
Is there anyone else?

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Is there anyone else that is 23 years old with three children and wanting another? I am happily married and financally able to care for four children. I am just curious if it is unusual for someone my age to want so many children? Does the feeling of wanting another child ever go away?




  1. I'm not your age, but have four children.  Yes, the feeling goes away.  For me, after the fourth, it was just like:  'Okay, I'm done', and I didn't have the desire for any more children.  Now, the focus is raising and seeing what they will be like when they grow up!  I think it is fine if you want another child.  Its not unusual, especially being in a happy marriage, and able to care for them.

  2. I am 30 with 3 and I have kinda thought about having another.  I had an IUD put in instead of getting my tubes tied just because I had my doubts.  I think it's normal.

  3. children are a gift from God. there is nothing wrong with the way you feel and if you and your husband are ready anf able to have more kids the so be it. I don't think the feeling of wanting a new baby in the home ever goes away because it such an amazing thing, a new life a blessing from God. im only 20 and i have a 2 year old son i also happily married and can't wait to have more kids.

  4. There are a lot of people who like to have kids.  One of my best friends has 13 brothers and sisters (she's 1 out of 14 kids)  So its completly normal to want to have kids.  If you can support them then i say go for it but remember when they get older they will fight.

  5. I have a friend who is 24 and she's pregnant with her 5th!! Holy c**p, I know, but she just wants a million I guess. I say to each is own!

    God bless and good luck

  6. Not in your situation...but have a friend who is 28 and has 4 kids.  Her oldest is 8 and the baby just turned 1 year.  She says she is done...but she told me today that she's late...hmmmm we'll see.  She says that she misses the "baby" phase when they get to be toddlers.  I agree...the baby phase is wonderful...but I still think she's nuts!! LOL!!  Everybody is different.  Do what you want and if you are financially able to support four kids...I say go for the big family!!  I wish I had more brothers and sisters!!

  7. Yes it is normal for you to want more kids especially if you can afford more everyone is different I have 2 kids and don't want any nomore not because I cant afford them but because I dont have the patience too each is own if you want more kids definitely pursue your dreams good luck 2 you

  8. If I was financially able I would have 10 kids. I'm not though so I had to limit myself to 3. I don't think the wanting ever really quits. I think it is just a manifestation of the remembering and "sadness" of watching the children we already have grow up so fast.

  9. My cousin is 28 with 4 children.

    She's still seeking to have more.

    Maybe it's cus children give you that sense of love you're looking for & can't find in your 'other half.'

    I wouldn't recommend having another child - It's unhealthy because then you're just gonna want to keep having more & more.

    Just stop & focus on the children you have already.  Don't go off & have more.  You're young, live life.  :)
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