
Is there anyone left?

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Hello Yahoo Land.

Is there anyone left from Britain or Ireland who does not speak in either of the following ways?

H.R.T (High Rise Terminal) or A.Q.I (Australian Quotation Internation) - the rising of an end of a sentance, so it comes across as a question.


American speak where the words SO and LIKE are over used and emphasised (e.g I was SO drunk, I like fell over like SO many times)

Are there any bastians of normality out there?





  1. I say its nice to know that there are some people who still speak and pronounciate properly , with the appropriate expressed etymologics. I do feel that we are a dying race and modernistic expressions are swamping our very existence due to a complacent and less audible/oral society that have been consumed by the culturalistic nonsense of modern communication.

  2. Yes - me. Like, I always make so sure I don't INflect at the wrong time?

  3. I'm with you Seamus!  I hate those modern affectations.

  4. Absolutely, there are many of us here, it's just that we take a bit of finding...but it's such a pleasure when you do find us!

  5. I couldn't agree with you more!

  6. no but like, thats so totally stupid! like people can soo say what they want. its their like choice innit?

    soo like totally back off like!x

  7. Nop

  8. Another traditionalist here (although The Mad Weasel is my husband, so we are partners in grouchiness).
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