
Is there anything bad about school?

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Is there anything bad about school?




  1. The fact that one must conform to be accepted. The predicate that all would abandon their sense of self to become faceless but without psychological damage.

  2. yeah they never let us do what we want. We can't choose are own classes most of the time, like i wanted to take art of screenwriting and into to film BUT THEY DIDN'T LET ME!! it's my last year, and i really wanted to take that. I think the set up is awful because in my school every 90s mins or so we switch classes, and i always forget what i learned because I'm learning so much in one day. And also my school councilor is a jerk and never helps.

    *some teachers are ridiculous.

    * and how many of my teachers have been arrested for being a friggen pedophile? Thats so gross.

    Idk. School is a great idea and concept, but its not working very well.


    I don't feel like i'm learning what i'm supposed to be learning when i'm there.

  3. Of course. Nothing is perfect. Bad thing is if people stop trying to find a better teaching method or a better thing to be learned by student. Bad thing will always happen, but just never stop to gain a good thing from the bad thing.

  4. punishment find in class with girls and your sir or madam told you to slap the girl that is very bad about school.

  5. The fact that there are students who do not want to be there, who do not want to learn, and who will wish later in life that they had attended school and completed requirements for their high school diploma.  That the bad thing.   And the saddest thing, I think.

  6. Everything nowadays...

    Whats good.??

    Theres NO discipline...Teachers attitudes are just as bad...Classes are disruptive and most teachers and Heads bury there Heads in the sand when things are bad....They suddenly become the three wise monkeys???

    School teaches you to be socialy disfunctional....disrespectfull and your either bullied or a bully...

  7. Assuming that you are speaking about the public educational system in this country (the US of A), there are a great many things "wrong" with such.

    Individuals are not taught how to reason, employ logic and reason nor to think for themselves.  Instead they are taught to conform, to follow the crowd ( or herd), to respond to the bells (time to be in the room, to sit, to get up, to go to lunch, to return from the same...).

    Education has been brought down to the lowest common denominator rather then elevated to the highest.

    Now, due to the politically expedient practices of "standardization' where everything must "certified", students are being taught how to take a particular test they will be administered later in the school terms which leaves little if any time for them to actually be assisted in learning how to read, how to write correctly, the language of mathematics, the foundations of science, philosophy and ethics and an understanding of history.

    The current system works to destroy any creative spirit any child may well have as such leads to originality and causes one to stray from the desired herd mentality.

    Schools also often promote a false sense of self esteem where one is rewarded simply for existence rather than for exemplary performance.

    Schools as inadequately provided for financially.  Teachers are poorly prepared and are usually turned into administrators and not allowed to teach.  Politicians and not educators control the curriculmn.  Parents are seldom invovled in the education of their children as they themselves are products of the same failed system.

    If this one believed that the god(s) existed, he would thank them that he is allowed to home school his daughter.

  8. School says that what it disseminates IS the truth.  School should instead say, "Hey, try this one on for size."

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