
Is there anything wrong with me?

by  |  earlier

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I am 16,male and over the past couple weeks i have experienced twitching though my whole body especially when i am resting(sitting down,sleeping).I drink water,exercise daily and work 6 hours a day.Sleep 8 hours a day.No other neurological symptoms such as headaches,nausea and personality change.Is this the early symptom of a brain tumor or MS?Or is it normal?(i do over react with little things).Please help!




  1. Yeah I'm pretty sure it's normal. Everybody twitches in there sleep. And no these are not early symptoms of a brain tumor or MS. That's just silly. If you are really worried about it then just go see a doctor. The people on Yahoo! Answers are not going to be able to help you.

  2. I would recommend visiting a doctor, just to be sure that nothing major is occurring. Do you drink coffee or energy drinks? If you do I would say to lay off them for a while and see if things improve.

  3. You might have restless leg syndrome. You can read more about it here: Otherwise, go see a doctor!!

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