
Is there big waves in jamaica?

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like surfing kinda waves?

or just any waves ata ll or is the sea all calm?




  1. You'll NEVER see the kind of waves on a consitant basis like in Califorinia or Hawaii for SURE ! If & when there are ride-able waves, they're on the south side around Kingston, and lots of them are wind driven....

    By the way, as a long time surfer, its worth mentioning that surfing waves are measured from the BACK Of the wave, NOT the face a so called 12 foot wave would really be a 5-6 foot swell

  2. no, but when there is a hurrican (september-october mostly) there can be big waves

  3. Yup on the south coast like Boston Bay, Bull Bay and St. Elizabeth  

  4. ARE there big waves in Jamaica?  Not "Is there".

    Sorry, I don't mean to be a poo, and I'm not a grammar expert, but sometimes you just have to say something.

    To answer your question, I don't know.

  5. I was in MoBay (which is on the North side) 2 weeks ago, and I have to say the water was very calm. My wife and I went kayaking on one occasion. I was on the beach at different times of the day and the waves would bore a surfer to death.

  6. There can be big waves in Jamaica, especially on the south coast. According to my Wilkens Weather system, within the next 96 hours there is potential of up to 12 feet. I have seen far worse forecasts.

    The wave activity is not very predictable but surfers do come here and have a good time. There is a surfing meet called Makka Pro that has been held in St Thomas, Jamaica for the past few years.

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