
Is there more genetic difference between..?

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a poodle dog and a great dane dog that there is between a kenyan person and a japanese person?




  1. I have to disagree with Ed about the age, there were people in  the far East pre mount Toba, about 74,000 years ago. You're quite possibly looking at 200k years for that 'out of Africa' incidence. There have been people in the far East a very long time.

    But, the dogs are probably further genetically separated because of human intervention.


    'Scientists have declared that race is meaningless'... is a common misconception from the 70's, still promoted by the well meaning liberal media. It's actually very easy to ascertain someones race by DNA analysis. Look up 'Lewontins fallacy'.'s_...

    They recently gave a computer a bunch of DNA samples from a wide range of people in an experiment, and it sorted them into their ethnic groups.

    Mitochondrial DNA is not a neutral marker, the 'mitochondrial Eve' concept just tracks the spread of a new and better Mt DNA mutation, not population movements. I've got articles on my blog that show modern skeletons NOT from sub Saharan Africa that are over 160k years old, and one is in Luijang, China.

  2. The information you seek is at:

  3. genetics are understood but isnt it much about upbringing and other aspects of life in general...if the poodle and great dane would be put into  same loving family their genetic difference would underrule their being part of same family getting same chances and treatment and for people what IF such African person would be adpted by a japanese family and live his/her life in asia with all ups/downs and vice versa for a society,upbringing is a very important factor too even more....

  4. No, the great Dane & the poodle are both descended from the gray wolf & that was less than 15,000 yrs ago. The Kenyan & the Japanese are at least 40,000 (more likely 60,000) yrs. separated on the evolutionary bush.

  5. Studies using mitochondrial DNA have found that all humans today are descended from one woman, who lived in Africa about 150,000 years ago. This explains why human genetic diversity is relatively low compared to birds or reptiles. Initially it was estimated that the human and chimpanzee genomes were 98.6 similar. When insertions and deletions in DNA sequences were later considered the figure was revised down to about 95%. About 99.9% of the human genome is identical in all humans. On average there is only 0.1% difference. Of this 0.1% difference, 85% is found within any given population, 7% is found between populations within a race and only 8% is found on average between the various races. Genetic variation is found also in genes, but at present this variation is poorly understood. Much of the variation is found the regions of the genome affected by the environment. A notable example is genes affecting physical appearance, in particular skin color. Many of the genes regulating physical appearance have yet to be discovered. Genes related to the immunity system also show great variability with geographic location as a result of positive selection from the effects of regional diseases. There are several methods used to model human genetic variation. Genetic distance is a measure used to quantify the genetic differences between two populations. It is based on the principle that two populations that share similar frequencies of a trait are more closely related than populations that have more divergent frequencies of a trait. In its simplest form it is the difference in frequencies of a particular trait between two populations. For example the frequency of RH negative individuals is 50.4% among Basques, is 41.2% in France and 41.1 in England. Thus the genetic difference between the Basques and French is 9.2% and the genetic difference between the French and the English is 0.1%for the RH negative trait. As DNA of all humans is 99.9 percent the same the vast majority of traits show little genetic distance between the continents.Though Oceanians , resemble Africans they are the most genetically distant. Africans are more closely related to Europeans than any other group despite having different skin colors. The 0.1% genetic difference that differentiates any two random humans is still the subject of much debate. The discovery that only 8% of this difference separates the major races led some scientists to proclaim that race is biologically meaningless.

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