
Is there other life out there?

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I heard this famous scientist talking about how there are billions of other galaxys out there that we have never seen...he said that the chances of us being the only planet to have living creatures is slim. Do you think there could be other life out there?




  1. it would be pretty arrogant for one to think that we are the only one,s..............even in the say,s we were made in his image.......but it doesn't say we were the only one,s.

  2. of course. why wouldnt there be? its impossible to imagine that we're the only ones.

  3. wel we came from out there to start with ,and it is a big place ,also there are legends ,stories ,records ,myths .of at least 3or 4 kinds of Aliens ,Nordics(from mars.blond blue or green eyed,they founded Atlantis )Anunaki(reptilian),the slender big eyed big headed Aliens from the Incas ,like the one they had in Area 51

    so the answer would be yes

  4. Yes I think life is out there, there is so much out there, that its hard to imagine that Earth could be the only inhabitable place for life, in fact, they just discovered a planet circling a star similar to our own with temperatures in the range of 27-92 degrees F, an ideal place for water, the one essential catalyst for life. The planet is relatively close, as the star it circles is one of the 100 closest stars to Earth.

  5. That scientist is correct. How can we be alone? I mean, it is a bit unlikely for earth to form but not THAT unlikely. Chances are very much for the existence of life, advanced or primitive, sentient or not. They may be very different from us, or maybe their planet is similar so they have a lot of animals with counterparts on Earth. Wouldn't that be cool?

  6. That's a great question. Basically the answer to whether there is life in the universe is always a good one.

    To answer your question, It's VERY likely that there other civilizations in this galaxy. The reasons is simple but you have to put up with some math and some history.

    Back in the 60's some scientists asked the very same question, and came out with a basic formula that figures that out.

    The main idea was fleshed out by a scientist named Frank Drake, he basically put some of the parts of the question together differently and assigned a likelyhood/probability to each.

    Drake asked the question this way, what was the likelyhood of us communicating with another technically advanced civilization. Since that question breaks down, into parts that we can discover by looking around the universe, over time , we will be able to make a very good guestimate of how many civilizations are out there.

    For instance one "factor" in his equasion was "the likelyhood of a sunlike star"

    Another "factor" was "The likelyhood of a sunlike star with planets like Earth" - this gives you the basic idea.

    The link here, takes you to a PBS special from some time ago which allows you to plug different numbers in and guess how many other civilizations there might be!

    But this is where you can keep an eye on the headlines,

    The French have recently launched a space-telescope which should be able to find "Earthlike" planets.

    Corot Launched :

    when "Corot" finds some planets, we can then do math to figure out how common they are ,and basically "know" one of the numbers Drake only could guess at in the 1960's.

    In a few years the US/NASA will - funding allowed - be able to launch an satelite in 2008 called "Kepler" which will search for "Earthlike" finding space-telescope of our own.

    Drake Equation :

    Another question similar to yours is whether we will contact or ever be contacted by an alien civilization.

    The SETI program in the 1990's and presently is designed to discovery signals from alien civilizations, and it is regularly if not constantly listening towards the stars for the faintest of signals.

    But this question actually has a suprising answer, the answer may ALREADY be yes. The transmission is called the "Wow" signal and was detected on August 15,1977.

    IF we asume the "Wow signal" is genuine, we would have been able to detect an alien civilization's message without it being specifically "for" us, which is a rare find, but after only 80 or 90 years could potentially mean the universe is crawling with life!

    However, because it's just a fluke since we have not since found another "Wow" type signal,we shouldn't get too excited.

    In the movie Contact (based on the Carl Sagan novel), the first 1/2 of the movie shows what a "first contact" situation might actually be like. It's unlikely that the signal would be able to be interpreted in the first couple of years or maybe even decades.

    An open and interesting socioloigcal question is what would the immediate aftermath (on Earth) be of a first contact situation, the movie points out some of the "popular" disruptions to society.

    Corot :

    Kepler and Corot :

    Drake Equation :

    The WOW signal :

    Contact :

  7. It would be an awful waste of space if there was no life out there.

  8. think of it this way anywhere on earth that life can possably exist it does and since we are a very small part of the universe why should life not then exist everywhere that it can.

  9. National Geographic covered this topic when the Hubble was fixed & started actually working. One picture I still remember today is where they aimed the telescope on what was thought to be one of the most remote areas of the known universe, and came back with a picture of countless solar systems. (To give it perspective, this was like taking a picture of a grain of sand over 2 football fields away. To equate that out to how many galaxies there would be entirely would take centuries!!)

    So in other words, it would be pretty unlikely that life wouldn't exist somewhere.

  10. According to Buddhist scriptures,yes,there are living beings out there.It's just that we can't see them.

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