
Is there really no proof?

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  1. that is such bull. theres tons of proof but people are too scared to accept it and do something about it. think about it, humans make more and more energy wasting technology everyday, theres worse and worse things happening with our environment. there is SO much proof right in our face, but people dont believe it cause they dont want to be held responisble.

  2. The issue is that there is evidence, but no proof!

    Just as a crime suspect can't be found guilty on evidence alone, you need absolute proof, and there is none.

    If we had absolute proof, there would be more certainty amongst the doom and gloom merchants.  If there were any proof, then we'd all take notice, but no-one is willing to stand up and say " I know for certain that climate change is attributable to human activity ".  Don't get me wrong, I don't say that I don't believe in climate change,  I say that I don't subscribe to the human activity angle.

    Climate change has gone on since before humans ever walked on the Earth, and we've been passengers on this planet ever since.

  3. NO PROOF?

    NO PROOF?!!!!!!

    we're dying.

    polar bears are dying.



    NO PROOF?!!!

    we're going to die sooner or later if these dumb asses keep making s***s up.

  4. Grey-Mar... has the right idea. There may be evidence but no scientific fact to support it.

    Just remember to use articles for information that may lead you to scientific fact. Most articles from both sides are just articles that base little on fact and more on short term evidence.

    I think for the most part, the discussion on (Global Warming) is much like our modern day court system. Both sides just try to prove their side.hundred of websites all claiming to disprove the other, or no real proof. Both sides have extreme activists. Money and politics are major players, and the right thing or the moral thing to do is not high on priorities.

    Al Gore really stands out and has really hurt the Global Warming cause with his commentary and egotistical version of the earth's natural Climate changes. His movie an inconvenient truth is a really bad movie by the way.

    There is a small amount of fact there, but little to no absolute truth as to what or who caused it.

    The only difference is that the global warming issue has no definitive answer equivalent to jury and /or Judge.. only time holds our future or fate.

    I believe we have a responsibility to conserve energy, preserve our environment and recycle everything that is feasibly possible.

    I do not believe that we are causing a doom & gloom warming catastrophe. I do know that we need to prepare now by conserving energy, preserving nature and preparing for the next climate change.

    Please don't form your opinon from this forum. To many close minded "hot heads" with no real proof to back their doom & gloom.

    Start your own "homework assignment" and research for a basis for your own opinion. it is best to not take a position for several weeks of study. Then you try to prove yourself wrong. I have found you get your best real evidence staying objective and open minded, regardless of your position.

    Please just don't become one that uses terms like never, always, can't or references about idiots. The AGW'ers don't like being called names.

  5. Ofcourse there is evidence. In Belgium, the last 7 years where the hottest ever recorded. Greenland IS melting down. The polar caps ARE melting. It has been proven that CO² and other gasses cause a greenhouse effect (and not just CO², also gasses like methane). For instance there is the planet venus, which can be compared to the earth, but it has allot of greenhouse gasses. Result: a temperature up to 450°C. In the fifties, some scientists were saying that smoking doesn't kill, or causes cancer. The same is happening now! All the car companies, and oil companies, like Shell, relie on oil. Imagine the losses for them if the demand for oil drops.

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