
Is there something wrong with YAHOO?

by Guest64170  |  earlier

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I have noticed questions appearing then disappearing and later reappearing. I am not on any medication (legal or illegal) nor am I imbiding in any booze.




  1. Yeah but appearing / disappearing Q's isn't as irritating as a crazy cat roaming here asking double meaning Q's and giving nonsense answers.

  2. Really? I think it's still the same old Yahoo and YAPpers.. they appear and disappear then as usual..full of glitches but we're still here. Greetings, PC.

  3. You are not the only one.

  4. I must be lucky... haven't seen anything wrong either now or several days ago when this problem was also supposed to be happening.

  5. I think so.

    I have noticed the same thing I think since the other day.  I'd answer a question then later, when I clicked on the Philippines link, the question that I just answered could not be found in the list.  I thought it got deleted so I went to my profile, clicked on the same question in my Q & A and there it was, still existing.  Then I answered a few more questions, clicked on the Philippines link again and voila, the same question that I was looking for earlier was there.

    And yeah, my profile's picture keeps on changing to a picture of me and 3 more friends which was the first picture I uploaded to 360 two years ago but when I click on my name in my answered questions, I have a different picture / avatar which is that of a lady shrouded by a full moon.

  6. The same question was asked by Allan yesterday.  Like you said, the questions kept appearing and disappearing.  Maybe Yahoo is experimenting something.  Anyway, it was about 2 or 3 days ago when it advised us to be patient since they were doing some updating.  So I guess we have to bear for awhile while they continue and finish what they are doing.

  7. Yeah something is really wrong today, I just went to answer a question then realised it was posted early this morning and i had already answered it then. I also am not on drugs, i think

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