
Is this Dream normal?

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I have had 2 dreams where i saw cute boys in both. NEVER saw them in my LIFE then out of nowhere in like 2 months i SEE THEM WALK BY ME!!!Is this normal to see in the future?!?!?! HELP




  1. Maybe you have psychic abilities or premonitions of the future.

  2. I highly doubt you are seeing the future in your dreams, though many claim to be able. The most likely scenario is that you may have seen them before the dreams occured, i.e on the bus, or simply walking by on the other side of the street, while your concious may have been occupied with other things at the time while your subconcious wandered and noticed the boys due to their attractiveness. Alot of people dream about people that they saw in the street withoud even realising.

  3. It has happened to me.  In my case, I think it was spiritual.  In the case of cute boys--I'd wonder....pray about it...

  4. yeahh

  5. I have serious cases of Deja-Vu all the time.

    Its usually happens and im sitting somewhere talking to people and then somebody says or does something and its like i remember it as if it had already happened.

    Sounds kinda like what happened to you.

  6. Have you ever seen the show, "Medium"? You may be like the main character, who is phsycic and sees things in her dreams.

  7. i think its called déjà vu. and its pretty normal, happens to others more often than some. lucky you, its with cute guys. some visions are nasty

  8. yes , it normal

    usually every dream has a meaning and significance so if u see something then it might happen when i dont know

  9. yes  

  10. yea i get it too, not the cute boys thing but uhmmm you know lol
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