
Is this Love??

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I have a boyfriend that i think im oin love with. When i get around him i can barley controll myself. I am 12(young i know). I get butterflies when im around him i just cant help but smile. He means alot to me i really need to know. Is this what loves feels like




  1. lol i like just asked this question and i am 13 and only u kno  when it is love. check myquestion

  2. aww.

    look no one really knows what "love" is, but if you feel like it is true, then don't let anyone get in the way of you too.

    be careful; have fun!


  3. Welllll, its like puppy lovee .

    your definitly nott in love at 12,sorry but thats WAY too young to even know what it feels like, well actaully, thats not really true, cause only you know what it feels like, so yes it could be.

    ahaha awww (: thats so cutee, im happy for you two though!

  4. You are just infatuated with him.

  5. AAAH puppy love, Iremember the days, just remember that you are young you have your whole life in front of you, and if hes the one he better amke it last, if not remember that you are beautiful and there are many more out there and you have plenty of time.

  6. its probably just puppy love

  7. of course it is is 12 year old love... will it last forever.  you never know.  the idea of love changes the older you get.. what you think is love at 12 might not be what you think love is at 20..

  8. That's called a crush.

  9. probably not.

    you'll know when your in love.

    but its good that you really care about him.


  10. Young lady you're an older 12, but nevertheless you are not old enough for true love, what you feel with your butterflies is puppy love, that's all. I know it feels like more than that, but that is  what it is; to love someone it helps if you two are friends, about the same age, OLDER, are grown up enough to understand what love is,love is beautiful, it shows your other person how you feel on good days,bad days, its a ever-lasting love,its the kind of feeling God helped each one of us feel, at different moments in our lives, this other person one may have the same feelings (your butterflies) if he's your age now, if it is to be you and he will stay connected through your growing up years, and you  possibly will get married, BUT before that time comes on down the line, pray for guidance God will help you, He'll help you figure out your feelings, and if its to be, it will be,BUT don't forget that God made you,me,everyone, and when He made you ,He made you unique & special. Ask God for help! He'll never leave your side, and He's a great listener too!God loves you more than you'll ever know!

  11. If you have to ask then your not in love, your only 12 you don't even know what love is.

  12. no baby girl thats not love is called puppy love, you wont know real love until you become an adult, but you are right on the butterfly feeling.. but even knowing you know a little about love that doesnt mean you are in love, thats impossible at your age. you are in love but is not the real love, theres a big diference between love and being in love. love is good but it could brake your heart, be careful.

  13. You know what, it sure could be. I'm 23, and Im so tired of people telling young people that they couldnt be in love. People of all ages have feelings. I look back on my times when I was your age, and no matter where life takes you, you will always have a special place for those people. Someone once told me that love is when you leave a piece of your heart with someone else. Enjoy those butterflies!

  14. Love is a strange and varying word. I don't think people can say truly when/what age one has the ability to love (romantically). It's up to you to know how you feel, if you call that feeling love, so be it. A lot of people much older than you can say they love another person, and still be just as puzzled about it. My definition of love is if you are willing to sacrifice your own happiness for the other person's happiness. If you care about this person as much as you care about what happens to you. If you cannot imagine/or would not like to imagine your world without this person.

  15. lust♥

  16. When you're 12 you're going to think you're "in love" with your boyfriend but its hard to be in love when you don't even know who you are yet. I'm not saying this to be mean at all - but you still have so many years of growing up to enjoy! Don't worry about being in love right now - Just have fun hanging out with your boyfriend as long as he's still making you smile.

  17. And only you can truly know if you love him. Don't let anyone say that you are to young to know what love is because your not.

  18. the easiest way to explain love is when you could not live with out having there other person and you would give up anything for them. Based on what you said it sounds like you really like this guy and that's great what I want you to do is think so something other then him that is very important to you.... would you pick him first??? If the answer is yes over everything family, friends, things then congratulations it sounds like you found love.
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