
Is this a Martian Limerick?

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There once were some poets in bars

who decided to reach for the stars.

They set out from home

built a communal dome

and said "We're the Poets of Mars!"




  1. That was just fabulous!

  2. This could be a BIG problem...Call the CDC...CIA...TD...EP...EF...BMG...

    One day I stopped on YA

    With nothing much really to say

    Yet I opened my trap

    and spewed out some c**p

    Now I fear I may never, ever, never go away

  3. I think so. I mean it is humorous, rhymes and isn't very long but still tells a story. If that is what a martian limerick is then it is that all the way. Your poem (well limerick) is very catchy.

  4. Guffaw!

    This is friggen funny!

  5. [Please remember that this is written in Noo Yawkese.]

    There once was a poet named Terra

    who was guilty of serious error.

    She thought being a Martian

    would make her verse harshen

    and she'd sound like old Yogi Berra.

  6. My spies have found the location of the communal dome. Check out the Forum before they use the Shield of Invisibility to hide it again.

  7. Champagne for the House!  Love this one!

  8. I went in this bar,

    Some where in Mars,

    And sat down for a drink,

    Now I know what`s a limerick!

    Thanks for the oh so quick,

    poetry lesson.

    Back 2 Earth

    Hope to catch another lesson later.

  9. Yes, it is.

  10. then along came HydroPro

    and bought up the poet homes

    and now he's rich from

    renting them back.

    Now he shouts "Hey Poets of Mars

    wanna go drink in Limerick Bar?"

    Drinks are by LooseChange!

  11. LOl- much better with Mars than Venus.

  12. Oh - the jovial crowd of poets in bars. This location is setting quite a tone to the rest of the poem - it seems to give it a very loose and nonsensical approach. That is not to say - that all found in bars - lack sense. ♥

  13. There was a young lady named Janet

    Who made her home on the Red Planet

    'Cause she was bored and alone

    She wrote an x-rated poem

    There was nobody there to ban it.

  14. The Poets of Mars found their home

    From which they will never roam

    Everyone is invited

    I'm definitely delighted

    Pour me a beer wih no foam.

  15. I'll drink to that!

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