
Is this a UFO

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Could these be flares? or helicopters?




  1. OMG YOU FIND MY FRISBEE I WAS LOOKING FOR THAT LIKE YEARS AGO! I didn't know people taped it!!!

  2. it's a flares i think.

  3. no they are definately ufo's most probably from the planet crazy, i need my sunglasses back please.  

  4. No

  5. it just looks like a bunch of lights to me.

  6. no, probably not, it could just be light, or even just a fire fly.  

  7. It could be. Hard to tell.

  8. At 1:36, it looks like they're metallic and spinning.  

  9. I think they are UFOs, here's why. They don't come up from the ground and then eventually vanish they appear out of thin air and form what appears to be a pattern of some sort. The video is of the Phoenix Lights which has been a highly debated incident in Ufology.    

  10. Looks like helicopters or planes.  But they look like they're not moving or are in formation.

  11. Ah, those are the famous Phoenix lights. The certainly do look like flares. There was another sighting later that April, and the UFOs looked exactly the same. However, this time a homeowner spotted his neighbor doing something interesting -- tying flares to helium balloons and letting them ago. The next day the neighbor confessed to the UFO prank.

  12. Yes -because UFO stands for

    unidentified flying object--not an alien craft

    what you saw was "flying" and mainly can"t be "identified" so it is a UFO!  Looks like to me they could have been laser lights..

  13. The Phoenix incident is still the best sightings because u had different ppl taping from different angles at the same time. Thousands of witnesses. Everyone from FAA down to policemen and so on. To this day local politicians are still trying to figure this one out. Its my favorite all time UFO footage and i am convinced through seeing compressions to real night flares and etc that this was real.

  14. Typical "UFO" shot -- at night, jerky, bad focus, no frame of reference (no background or foreground objects, horizon, etc), and so far as this video goes, no indication where and when it was shot.

    My first thought is a night partrol of helicopters, possibly fighter jets. With no detail as to where or when this was shot, these cannot be ruled out.

    Given the bad focus, this could also be passenger planes "stacked up" in a landing pattern at a busy airport.

    "UNIDENTIFIED Flying Objects" yes. Exterresterials - no.

  15. I loved the running commentary, "there's geometry behind this", "they're spheres now, they just transformed into circles while you were talking, now they're not spheres".  What?  How would be able to tell this at any distance?  Funny, he seemed to be fiddling with the zoom or focus while this happened.  Earlier comments that it is dark and there is absolutely no reference to the lights are accurate, I seem to remember seeing something on tv about the Phoenix Lights, and how where they are and where they disappear corresponds to the horizon created by a mountain range or something.  Which, or course, you can't see in the pitch dark that is the entire video other than the points of light.

  16. I don't know. I don't even know if I truly believe in UFO's really...

    UFO can either stand for "Unidentified Flying Object" or "Ugly, Fat and Old" on dating websites such as "no UFO's!!!" lol

  17. thats awesome!!!! i believe in UFO it was flying so its an unidenifyed flying object so it is then.

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