
Is this a controversial question?

by  |  earlier

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Basically, my question is still there, in "Science and Engineering." I asked which days of the week have the most car traffic (because I want to predict the busy days at work) and this guy accused me of being a terrorist! Is my question that controversial?




  1. Yeah seems fine to me

  2. Not controversial at all...ignore him .

  3. no not at all, the other guy must have been crazy or angry at something

  4. It seems a reasonable question,sounds to me like some people need to take a massive chill pill.

  5. Monday and Friday 2nd week of December.

  6. Err no....

  7. Paranoia, ignore the idiot

  8. Not at all.

  9. A brainwashed train of sad for that individual

  10. whats is next?

  11. No you're not being contreversial. Some people just have bad days and make silly remarks, ignore him.

  12. Question's fine.He's obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed.

  13. This guy probably thinks he's been abducted by aliens and has had things shoved up his ar*e when floating around on a spacecraft... i.e. he thinks X-Files is a documentary!!

    Ignore him... its like saying that if I use a mobile phone in a shopping precinct that my intention is to blow people up.

  14. Ignore him. There are nut jobs like that answering questions all the time, just report him as abusive & after a couple of hundred violation notices perhaps he might take the hint.

    To answer your question about traffic patterns, try your local council or the Department of Transport, they should have some sort of statistics available but you might have to put forward a freedom of information request if they're not freely available.

  15. Not at all. Seems a reasonable question to me.

  16. ignore him, i watched news this morning and a pair of old ladies where taking photos on their local park of a pool and it was raining, it was a lovely scene. so they captured it on camera and someone walked up to them and accused them of been peadophiles!! it even showed the photo on tv and there wasnt a child in sight, it was a cold rainy day!!

    the world has gone crazy lately.

    ignore him, hes just trying to earn points so he can move up the leader board on questions!! :)

  17. No.. It seems like a fair enough question.

    ♥ Kimmiii

  18. Certainly a  very long stretch to  draw such a conclusion.  Engineers  are constantly doing traffic counts in every community for a multitude of reasons.

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