
Is this a good plumber deal? ?

by Guest32368  |  earlier

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I am having a bathroom redone in my house. I am doing a lot of the work myself with my dad and boyfriend, but I am no plumber. My ex-husband's brother is and he came to take a look at it last night. the bathroom is only 6'x4' and I am taking out the bathtub and putting a stand up shower in another spot in the room. I am also moving the sink from one side of the room, directly across the room and the toilet is staying put but I am replacing it with a low flow one. My ex's brother said these 3 things would cost about $1500 if I hired his company he works for, but he told me he would do it for $800 on the side at night and weekends... was he being honest?

He also said if I decided to move the toilet in the other bathroom across the room where I want it (which I want to, but would need the money for the new toilet, vanity and flooring) then he would do that for free...




  1. Very Good Deal Plumber usaly charge somewhere around $1500.00 Per Fixture on a new install and about $900.00 Per Fixture on changing piping for Remodel.

  2. sure. If in doubt, call someone over and explain what you want , and just ask for an estimate.

  3. That quote sounds a bit low. Your going to be moving allot if not all of the plumbing supply lines and drains to different areas of the room. A small room but none the less. A portion of the walls and flooring will need to be removed to do this.

    I cant say if he was being honest; I don't know him. If you trust the Exes brother then it is quite possible that he's doing you a favor but to 'throw' in the other remodel job in the other bathroom is a bit questionable.

    I mean; instead of free; why wouldn't he just give you a great price break? That way he's still pocketing money, your getting to save money?

    If I were you I would draw up a contract that states his price- what it includes- and the approximate time line for completion. Both of you sign it in front of your dad, have him be the 3rd party signature.

    This way if things go amiss(not that they will)  like he is doing a lousy job, taking too long, not completing the work to the local codes or bails 1/2 way through the job than you have a contract that will legally hold up in court if you should have to go that route.

    I have seen way to many jobs done 1/2 ***'d, not to code or even worse; not even completed by a 'Friend' it's crazy. If this happens then your faced with not only having a incomplete job but then your going to have to hire another competant contractor to redo his work so the job can be completed.

    If you trust his word know his work is good and he's just being a nice friend then by all means jump on it and you'll be getting a great deal.

  4. That's a good deal. There is a lot of work required to do what you have listed. I think fifteen hundred is low.

  5. YEAH!

    that a good deal, plus you get the piece of mind knowing it's been done professionally.

  6. depends if you can trust him to do the job as well. i would pay the contractor so that if it is screwed up they have to pay for it.

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