
Is this a legit complaint?

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some restaurants that serve chicken shatter the bones when they chop it and leave it in. when i bit the chciken, my teeth shattered and broke because i expect the bones to be big, not tiny, hard pieces taht have shattered off. can i sue the restaurant?




  1. no offense but i think it would be a waste of time to sue them considering my step father was put in the hospital for two months and almost died from food poisoning, but still couldn't sue because he didn't have the food he had eaten. I believe it may just be a waste of your energy

  2. ehhhh...well you can go through with it..but isnt that a waste of time just be careful like always when eating food you dont cook...Just get you teeth fixed. Was it really the restraunts fault? No it was the chefs fault for taking em out if they were broken off small bits. Also it may not have been the chef at all. it might have been the guys that delivered the chicken to the restaurant. its also a chicken not a cow. the bones will always be small and tiny so always expect small and tiny bones in a chicken just like when you eat a fish. you probably wouldnt get very much either if you did...probably just a couple hundred at most...but then youd also have a negative number in the end...since you have to pay a lawyer and legal fees and all the end you will probbaly ow a few hundred instead of gained n e thing.

  3. yes

  4. In order to sue you have to prove that it came from the chicken bone and for all they know it came from somehwere else.  And if you know that it can happen thats your fault, you know it's a risk. Sometimes in life stuff just happens. We cant sue and accept someone to kiss our boo boos and make it better.

  5. if there is enough damage to your tooth and you get a note from your dentist showing the damage and the cost of what you need to fix your tooth, then im pretty sure you can sue them.

    i would love it if they stopped having crushed bones in my chicken as well

  6. no

  7. yes u can, u need to get a lawyer that has worked on similar cases. usually the restaurants will settle out of court. good luck.

  8. yeah go get those bone breaking b******s

  9. If I drink a hot cup of coffee from a restaurant, and my tooth shattered, can I sue the restaurant?  Where do we draw the line??  It seems like anyone can sue for anything these days.

  10. i dont think cant prove it was the chicken that did it

  11. You can sue them actually, but you have to prove that because of what they did, that resulted injury in your tooth. If you sue them, you will have to pay some legal fees and I suggest you hire a lawyer. Good luck!

  12. They could definitely be held liable. I hope you documented everything, complained when you were at the restaurant, got manager's name, etc...

  13. you are what gives americans a bad name.

  14. You probably have a complaint but is not a major one.

    I have a friend that found a piece of glass in a hamburger and cut his mouth a little and only got 300!

  15. I'm sure that if you got a good enough lawyer and found the right judge, hypothetically you could sue for the dentist bill to repair your teeth....(asuming that you're teeth are so brittle that they cracked on a weak chicken bone)...

    Would it be right? No.

    It's not their fault that you cant pay attention to what you're eating and not cram the whole d**n chicken in your mouth at once. Would you order a rack of ribs and chomp down on them so hard that you broke your teeth?? No, because you know there's bones in it. So why is it that you felt it nessecary to cram a big chunk of chicken into your mouth and bite down harder than nessecary?

  16. no you cannot.  You had a tooth issue obviously prior to eating this chicken.Teeth do not shtter that easy...a trip to dentist twice a year prevents this from happening..... You should  not be another loser trying to capitalize on something for nothing.  Take responsibility for your own actions.......

  17. Have them pay for your new set of teeth.

  18. yes you can

  19. Well, you would have to bust out your crayons and draft a complaint, stating a cause of action, estimate your damages... future and past... pain and suffering... the expense to "make you whole again"...  and then make sure you have had no other pre-existing dental or chicken eating conditions and/or history for crimes of dishonesty etc. that would negate your claim.  But... it sounds like a serious Judge Judy case to me (which is technically arbitration, but hey)!

  20. Ask a lawyer, but I think so...

  21. sure why not?

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