
Is this a little to rude??

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A woman was getting a little worry and so she went to a doctor and asked,

"Doctor, why is it that I gag when I brush my tongue but not when I give my husband oral s*x?"

The doctor replied,

"Well that's obvious, your tooth brush is bigger!!"




  1. Sies, of course it is rude. But I can hear everybody laughing all the way in Germany! But I am louder!

  2. Lol Skyli, poor guy I must say. Lol, thank you for the laugh.

  3. Who doesn't know what oral s*x is?

  4. Haha...oh d**n, and how does the doc know that?

  5. Heard that joke on tv,still find it funny and not rude at all,but know your audience before telling certain jokes

  6. Smaller than the tooth brush?  Pheeew, i feel for the wife, hahahaha!

  7. Not rude at all, actually very funny to the wise.

  8. Ha ha ha good one,,,

  9. My favourite kind of joke.

  10. Ha ha ha ha!!! funny!!! dont worry its not too rude!!!

  11. Whaha - I likes....

  12. No, it's not TOO rude. And a little worrIED.

  13. You have corrupted me! ;-)

  14. Ha ha ha! Brilliant joke, well done!

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