
Is this a positive ???

by  |  earlier

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I just did a HPT and I have two lines!!!!!! one is fainter but there is definately two lines........... am I right, is this a positive????? My period is due tomorrow. We have been trying for so long think i'm in shock!!!!!!




  1. yey congratulations!! make an app with you doc to confirm but it soundls like thins is it! good luck hunny xxxx

  2. That says your pregnant

    But a pregnancy test is not always accurate

    Do another one to be sure

  3. all i can say is CONGRATULATIONS  you are pregnant .did you read the instructions on the will tell you that if there are two lines you are pregnant but they don't have to be the same shade i love when good things happen for people

  4. Yes. Congratulations hun!!!

  5. As long as you have two lines, no matter how faint one is, you are definately preggers.  Congrats!!

  6. You are DEF pregnant. Congratulations!!! It doesn't matter how faint the line is, if there is two lines, then you are pregnant. If you want to make sure, wait a few days since your period is tomorrow and test again. If you start spotting, not bleeding, but spotting sometime this week, don't think it's your period, it's probably just implantation. But yes, you are right. You ARE pregnant. Congrats once again!!! God Bless

  7. awwww bless! its sooo nice when you are trying and it happens!! doesnt matter how faint it is, your still pregnant!!! :-)

  8. congrats mummy x  

  9. yes if the test has 2 lines visibly showing then ur preg!!! well done congrats to the both of u and I hope u have a wonderful happy pregnancy! Gilly x

  10. I have no idea who you are but I am soooooo happy for you!!! Muchas Felicidades!!!

  11. That is fantastic! I would be in shock also! I also would be buying all kinds of tests and keep doing them until I could get my blood drawn to confirm. LOL

    I would go ahead and schedule that OB appointment!


  12. as long as there are two lines you are pregnant it doesn't matter if one is lighter than the other - so

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! Wishing you a healthy 8/9 months

  13. i would do another in the morning , but yay!!! congrats!!!! i did 5 , because you are so in shock-lol

  14. yes if its a line then its positive CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!

  15. Congratulations, you are going to be a mummy!!!

    All the best


  16. congratualtions!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes it is a positive =D

    Bless u hun. my prayers go out for everyone TTC. this is proof that good things come to those who want it badly lol. for me too * crosses fingers*

  17. hi hun it sounds like. im currently 26 weeks pregnant. when i first tested after missing period had a negative for just over 1 week late then done another test it was like you said very faint but definately 2 lines we were so happy i burst out crying. i done another test in the night time which was slightly darker then the next day done another just to be sure and it was much darker! its so exciting good luck and hope you are x

  18. Yes if there is another line it's positive.  I would do another test though just to make sure i think clear blue do a really accurate one that can test up to four days before your period is due!! I really hope it's positive, i tried for two years and finally had a little boy....congratulations if it is....fingers crossed for you!!!

  19. Yes that is a positive . Read the instructions it say one line may be fainter than the other.

    Your pregnant, congrats and welcome to motherhood xx

  20. Congrats !!!! yes it doesn't matter how faint the lines, two means your going to be a mummy !!!!

  21. do another one to be sure!!

    but i hope its posative .....

    good luck    and  CONGRATS  XXXXX

  22. Just backing up all the answers here already. You are definately pregnant. You can't get a false positive. If you want to see the word 'pregnant' then buy a digital one and then you'll be convinced. Congratulations :-)

  23. YES congrats


    Congrats. :D

  25. YES!!!! I'm happy for you!!!  I would take another one tomorrow just to make sure and then you might wanna go to the doctor!!!! Congrats!!! hope that the same happens for me!!!  God Bless!!!
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