
Is this an EVP?

by  |  earlier

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watch and listen at the link above.

tell me what you think.




  1. The evp sounds like the same tone as the filmers voice. Possibly feedback . I wouldn't worry about getting it analyzed, Not enough there to prove anything.

  2. Well it is a noise picked up an electronic device so it is an EP (electronic phenomena) if it is a voice or not is unclear.

    You very well may not have heard a dog (or other creatures) because of the rustling leafs close to you and because the camera is more sensitive than you might think at picking up sound. Sound of the human ear is very subjective (most people have the ability to completely tune out of awareness a car radio for example).

    Given the environment and complete lack of controls I doubt the sound can ever be determined.

    I have provided a link below if you want the sound analyzed.


  3. well I think it may have been real or it may have been some people talking, if you would like to tell me paranormal experiences you have had email me.

  4. it is hard to say.  There are a lot of questions there....have you had it analysed?

  5. Sounds like an evp. There are some owls that make those kinds of sounds, you would have to have the tape analyzed by an expert to be sure.

  6. Might be the wind blowing across the mic. Might not.

  7. hard to tell

    audio sounds like a mix of mabye the filmers voice or a random person

  8. its probably a dog or somehing. "EVPs" can only be caught wih special audio equipment. not a camera

  9. It could very well be, but I seriously can not answer that with out being there.

    I would have to see the surroundings where you were at & listen to the whole tape.

    Edited:  Rish, that it is a  totally incorrect statement.  There are no special equiptment for picking up paranormal sounds.

    Any kind of recording device will be able to pick up a sound of that kind.
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