
Is this an okay diet?

by  |  earlier

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Everyday for breakfast i eat one egg white omelet (3 servings of egg whites, one slice of turkey, a few jalapenos). Then, for lunch, i eat the exact thing. For dinner, i eat a medium size portion (ex. bowl of soup, or some tacos, or a burrito, etc.). In addition, i do about 30 minutes of cardio in the morning, six days a week. The omelets consummate about 220 calories in total (up until dinner, i apparently only take in near 220 calories). I burn about 300 calories each day i do cardio. I feel perfectly fine, and normal, it is just that i realized how few calories are in egg white omelets, so i wanted to know if my daily diet is okay? Also, at no point in the day am i fatigued or hungry (as i know are side effects of a low calorie diet).




  1. You are lacking  vitamin C needed for healing and calcium needed for bone remodeling and heart function. Those are what comes to mind with the foods that you have listed for one day. Try adding some cheese, yogurt, and fruit to your diet. Maybe you could substitute that combination for one of your omelets.

  2. If I were you, I would take in more energy (calories) to match your exercise.  In my mind, I would rather eat a lot early in the day, because then you have fuel for the things you want to do, instead of running on empty.  Also, I'm not sure if it's healthy to be eating one food twice a day, everyday.  It's much better to get variety in your diet.

  3. You need more fruit & veggies
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