
Is this baby spoiled? ?

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I have a 5 month old baby I breastfeed him exclusively and I pretty much hold him 24-7 my husband is in the military and deployed so I am a stay at home mom for 2 more weeks my son has never been exposed to anyone but me for 5months we don't have family where we are stationed. i am trying to get him use to being put down in a swing or playpen or even his crib and the second I do so he screams and wants to be held. I feel bad for the babysitter when she starts in 2 weeks does anyone have advice? I also need a break for 5 minutes sometimes and I feel bad if he cries for 5 seconds.




  1. A child has never been known to die from crying. Its ok to let him down he might cry for a little while but eventually he will stop. Don't  feel bad, I Know that its hard to hear your child cry without giving in.But in the end it will be better if you don't give in.

  2. Yes let him cry.  

  3. Dont feel bad.  You obviously love your Son very much and its just you two when youre husband is away, of course youre going to cuddle him lots.  Its good that youre trying to put him down etc and im sure it will get easier.  Once he is sitting up on his own he will be able to entertain himself more as thats what ive found, as my little girl is now 7 months.  She quite happily plays with her toys on her own now.

    I used to feel bad when my little girl cried but you will just get used to it x

  4. I would say no he isn't spoiled because my baby is the same way.  But everyone tells me my baby is spoiled so oh well.  It's your baby, do what feels right to you.  And he might be completely different with someone else.  He might just be that way with you because he know he can get away with it.  I would definetly give the babysitter a chance & then sit down with her when you get home & ask her how it went, how the baby was & see what they have to say.  

  5. Yes you need to start putting him down in his cot just before he's about to fall asleep and may be play his mobile you can get ones that play lovely tunes and pictures on the ceiling i understand you want to cuddle him and hold him but when he starts to get older you won't be able to move without him if he's awake put him in is bouncer or swing and if he starts crying go over and talk to him gently to reassure him you are still there i went threw the same problem with my 1st and through my mistakes with him i learn-ed i have 3 kids now i hope this helps good luck and don't give in.x*x

  6. Don't feel bad.  He needs to be able to cope without you.  Try putting him down in small spurts and gradually add more and more minutes.  It's not going to hurt him to'll hurt you more, but you just have to bear it. You're not a bad mom for holding him and loving him to death, but it's okay for a baby to not be held all the time.  You'll be doing yourself a favor, especially later when your hubby is home and you want alone time!

  7. He isn't spoilt.

    However if you carry on treating him this way he will hate it when you leave him alone with the babysitter.

    Once he gets older he will start to resent you for leaving him with others, because hes never without you.

    He may even cry when with your husband.

    The baby needs other people in his life aswel as you.

    A little variety.

    Activities he can do alone, like play mats etc.

    It will also give you a break.

    I'm sure you deserve it.


  8. Have you done a test run with the sitter yet? maybe leave him for 1-2hrs just to see how it goes. He might only want to be held 24/7 by you. Have you tried sitting on the floor and playing with him? Once he is fully into a toy try leaving the room for just a minute to see how it goes. If it goes well try it again for 2 min, then 3 and so on. I wouldn't expect him to be ok playing alone for any more than 15min or so though. Peek-a-boo is a good game to play as well, he will learn that you will come back. Stick him in the crib and duck down and pop back up.

  9. have you tried putting him on the floor with a bunch of toys for him to play with.  Both of my sons always loved to roll around and play with toys, I think they enjoy the freedom.  You could start of slow, put him on the floor with toys and sit next to him so he can see you, and show him toys.  See how he does, if he fusses,  give it a few minutes.  Try again another time and try for a little longer each time.  He will eventually be fine.  Babies just like what they are used to .  Make sure you try it when he is happy and not hungry, or tired.

  10. No, he's not spoiled.  He's point blank in the middle of developing a healthy attachment to his primary caregiver, and learning to trust the world.  Once they have a healthy attachment to their mothers and trust their environment, they will begin to show a desire to explore on their own.

    You should buy your babysitter a baby carrier and maybe pay a dollar extra per hour.

    You ever heard an adult say, "well, it all started because my mother hugged me too much."

  11. Yes he's spoiled.  Join the club.  I know it's hard becasue you love him so much but your going to have to let him cry it out.  I have been there but my daughter was 2 when my hubby deployed and it was a different kind of spoiled.  It won't take long for him to adjust.  Just forwarn your sitter on what to expect.

  12. He is not spoiled but he needs to learn to let go a little bit. When you do put him down, you have to get to his level and tell him u will be right back or that mommy needs to do something and she's putting you down; let him know whats going on. If he cries, ignore it for a few minutes; this is very hard but you have to have hope and do not give up. When he stops crying, do not go pick him up because then he will think he always gets his way. If you put him down, try and distract him with a toy, or a bottle. You can always still pump and give him bottles. Keep doing this and he will get used to it and know he needs to give you a break. Also you might want to watch some episodes of Nanny 911 or super nanny because sometimes she shows how to deal with kids of all ages in the same sort of situation. I hope this helps you and good luck!

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