
Is this considered Cry it Out?

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For the last 5 nights I've put my daughter in her crib at night & at her 1 nap time. The first night she cried for 5 minutes after I left her alone. Since she still cries for many 20-30 seconds but she is fast asleep right after. The reason I started doing this is because she would stay up until 1am if I let her and she won't fall asleep on her own for naps.

Just a moment ago I put her down for her nap and within a minute she was fast asleep. I have a lot of guilt mainly because she does cry for a few moments as I turn and walk away. It really breaks my heart to walk away from her like that.

I am just wondering if it is still concidered cry it out when she cries for less then a minute? Right after she stops I go back in and cover her with a blanket and kiss her.

Should I feel guilty or is this ok?

Btw my daughter is 14 months old.




  1. you shouldnt feel guilty eventually it will stop. my son is 15 months and he has been sleeping in his bed since he was 6 wks. only problem was he would expect me to rock him or hold him until he falls asleep. when he turned 1 i stopped rocking him. now he has gotten to the point where he grabs his pillow and goes in his room. he tells my night night when he is sleepy. what your doing is great and eventually she will get used to it and let you know when she is sleepy.  

  2. "It really breaks my heart to walk away from her like that... Should I feel guilty or is this ok?"

    If it makes you feel that bad, do you really have to ask if it's okay? Why does she have to fall asleep on her own for naps? Why can't you cuddle her to sleep at night? Mothering that you feel guilty about is not generally good mothering.

  3. No, I wouldn't consider that 'cry it out' .. I consider that 'winding down.'

    In My Opinion: 'Cry it Out' is when you let your baby CRY and SCREAM for 5 minutes +! and you ignore them..

    Basically, when you 'force' your baby to go to sleep.

    I think *every* baby cries for a minute or two when winding down ..

  4. Dont feel guilty, you're doing great. My son sometimes does a little whine, and even by the time I go to pat his butt, he is turned onto his side with his head back LOL and out like a light.

    If you were leaving her to cry and she didnt stop, I would not be telling you you are doing great LOL

    but i see no problem in that situation..and either should you :)

  5. No at 14 months its not bad at all, dont feel guilty.

    You are teaching her to fall asleep on her own now, and thats something she is going to have to learn eventually anyways. My daughter is 13 months and she goes to sleep on her own now too, i would just lay her in her crib and she falls to sleep without even crying, i have no idea how i did it lol but it works now :) You will see that after a few nights of this she wont even be crying anymore at all because then she knows that its bed time :)  

  6. If it makes you feel guilty, then I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't classify that as CIO, especially since once you leave she is immediately asleep. However, if it breaks your heart to do it, then simply don't do it.

    I co-sleep with my 20 month old, and there are the occasional nights where she is fussy, and "cries" for a moment or two before falling asleep. But, I am right there with her, cuddling and reassuring her.

    If the guilt is from thinking your letting your child CIO, rather than her crying for a few moments, then you should do a little research on what CIO actually is. If you still feel guilty, however, then just don't leave the room till she's asleep.

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