
Is this considered statutory rape?

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Now the 17 year old daughter of high moral,law enforcer Sarah Palin is preggo ,will the perpatrator be charged.Not when that hits home then everything changes .




  1. Hey JC - that's what I thought too until I did some searching around regarding Alaska's statutory-rape law and babydaddy's age. ;)  Maybe it's just the mean girl in me that wanted charges to be leveled!   Babydaddy = Levi Johnston, is 17 years old, so he's "safe."  There are two articles on which I'm basing my answer, which are listed below.  Here are two excerpts for your consideration:

    From Now Public:

    In Alaska, as in many other states, the laws on statutory rape depend, in part, on the age difference between the two partners. The law recognizes statutory rape only in cases involving an age difference of more than 3 years. A 20 year old man who has s*x with a 15 year old girl, in Alaska, is guilty of statutory rape. A 17 year old male who has consensual s*x with a 15 year old girl is not guilty of statutory rape, under Alaska law.

    From Radar:

    Radar has also learned that the father of Bristol's child, as well as her soon-to-be-husband, is a 17-year-old hockey player named Levi Johnston.

  2. Apparently Palin is not unfamiliar with difficult decisions, given that one of her children has Downs' Syndrome (according to a Wikipedia article I read). Just because someone is religious, does not insulate him/her from having to make decisions like that. Various Christian members of my family tree have had similar decisions like that to make, and they made them. Sometimes those decisions are different from the non-Christians, sometimes not.

    Statutory rape is a state-level matter, and in my state (California) I gather that if the involved minors are within a reasonable age of one-another, it is less likely to be considered statutory rape. Palin lives in Alaska, and the rules there might be different.

  3. If you knocked up the daughter of the governor and VP candidate for a major political party, with the "royal" family's blessings, I'm sure a way will be found to make it "not statutory rape". On the other hand, if you are an ordinary citizen who knocks up another ordinary 16 (or 17) year old, may the Lord have mercy on your soul!

    Typical American hypocrisy on public display! Nothing more and nothing less.

  4. "Alaska statutory rape laws declare that anyone who is 18 years old or older who has s*x with a person who is 16 or 17, ..... can be charged with sexual abuse in the third degree. This is also a felony."

    Diff. age in either party results in diff degree of felony, please see link:

  5. No, the age of consent in Alaska is 16. Her boyfriend broke no law in sleeping with her.

    It may be pretty stupid to get your girlfriend pregnant at 17, but it's not illegal. (At least, it's not in Alaska - it is in some States.)


  6. What is Levi's age?    

    In many states there can not be more than a 5 year difference in age if the girl is underage.

    In PA if she were 16 and he was 22 or older it would be statutory rape.

    Why won't they say who he is?  What are they hiding?

    Maybe he is 22 or older.

  7. No, the age of consent in Alaska is 16. Palin's daughter is planning to marry the baby's father.

  8. She became pregnant 5 months ago, right around the time before or after Trigg was born.  At that time she was 16, not 17.  However, I do not know the age requirements for Alaska soI can not answer the questions.  None the less, it speaks volumes about Sarah's moral values.

    I do think and wonder, did she force Bristol to keep the child to prevent a political disaster?  Certainly would play right into the hands of the right wing Christian extremists.

  9. No, he cannot be charged.

    Regardless of whether he was 17 or 18 when they had s*x it is not sexual abuse under the statutory definition.  

    First, keep in mind that the age of consent is 16 in Alaska.

    Alaska Statutes, Title 11.

    Criminal Law Chapter 41. Offenses Against the Person

    Section 438. Sexual Abuse of a Minor in the Third Degree. previous: Section 436. Sexual Abuse of a Minor in the Second Degree. next: Section 440. Sexual Abuse of a Minor in the Fourth Degree. AS 11.41.438. Sexual Abuse of a Minor in the Third Degree.

    (a) An offender commits the crime of sexual abuse of a minor in the third degree if

    (1) being 16 years of age or older, the offender engages in sexual contact with a person who is 13, 14, or 15 years of age and at least three years younger than the offender;

    (2) being 18 years of age or older, the offender engages in sexual penetration with a person who is 16 or 17 years of age and at least three years younger than the offender, and the offender occupies a position of authority in relation to the victim; or

    (3) being under 16 years of age, the offender engages in sexual penetration with a person who is under 13 years of age and at least three years younger than the offender.

    (b) Sexual abuse of a minor in the third degree is a class C felony.

  10. in many states it would be, however Alaska is very religious Conservative so the age of consent is likely 16 or below.  in some bible belt states it is as low as 14 (!).

    i wonder how this will effect Palins "abstinence only" stance on education now that her family is a shining example of its failure.

  11. The big questions are "What is her birthday and how old is her boyfriend?  By defintion of Alaskan Law "You can also be charged with a felony – sexual abuse in the third degree – if you are at least 16 years old and you have s*x with anyone who is age 13-15, or if the person is a minor at least three years younger than you. In addition, Alaska statutory rape laws declare that anyone who is 18 years old or older who has s*x with a person who is 16 or 17, or who is at least three years younger than the offender, can be charged with sexual abuse in the third degree. This is also a felony."

    "Alaska statutory rape laws carry punishments that include imprisonment and fines."

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