
Is this even accomplishable ??

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ok I made a bet with my friend that in 3 months [in the school physical test] I would be able to run a mile in 9 min flat or less.

At the moment I've never realy ran before and my times is 10:40, I know bad right. Im 14, and a girl, im in pretty good health pretty ft. So is this possible if i realy give it my all and if so how? tips would be GREAT




  1. That is definitely an accomplishable goal. Since you have never ran before, if you start running a lot all of a sudden, you will get faster quickly. Especially when times are that high, its much easier to bring them down. Ex: it would be much harder to bring a mile time from 5:30 to 4:30 then to bring it from 14:00 to 13:00 even thought in both cases it is one minute difference. Anyway, i say you should run 4 or 5 times a week and time your mile at least once a week. Each week give yourself a new time that you want to hit and I'm sure that by the end of 3 months you'll be doing better than you you even thought.

  2. Yes it would be very easy to accomplish. You need to get into a program with long runs(4-6 miles) and shorter distances of intervals(2*800- 2*600- 2*400- 4*200). Also eat high calorie meals before you run and high protien meals after you run. After a hard run get in some protein within 30 after you run, this will help you build muscle easier.

  3. Of course it is! Girls in track around your age run it in like 5-7 minutes. Just work hard in your physical education class and try to run a lot  after school.

    Good luck!

  4. About a month ago, I could only run a mile in about 9 minutes. Then, I took some action to see if I could lower my time. Since then I've been jogging at least a mile every weekday, but for the past week I've been jogging two miles.

    My new mile time is less than 7 minutes, and that's after only a month. Just go jogging or walking every day, push yourself, and you'll get there. Ask someone to run with you if you want. I asked this guy friend of mine that I had a crush on if he would run with me, because he likes to run, and so I had motivation to make sure that I kept going.

    Practice, practice, practice. You'll be able to go well below 9 minutes if you work at it!

  5. yes,it is accomplish able!Do not worry.My dad once bet me that I could not run a 9 minute mile and so I took the bet and won!all you have to do is practice running on the exercise machine and out side a couple times a week and in 3 months you will be running at least a 9 minute mile!

  6. 3 months is plenty of time to get under 9:00.

    Don't wait around if you are serious. Begin to run several days each week.

    It is not that far from where you are now.

    Run at least 3 to 5 days each week. Since you can run a mile now, run farther.

    Run at your pace for 15 to 20 minutes.

    After 1 month, then begin to change up your training.

    Run at a harder pace 1 day each week, try to run at 70 to 80% of maximum.

    1 day run repeat 400 meters. Run them at 2:15 or a little faster and take 3 minutes rest between, do 5.

    1 day run 3x800 at 4:30 take 5 minutes rest.

    The other days run your easy pace distance.

    After the month of this program you can increase your number of repeats and decrease the rest times.

    Do a time trial where you run the mile to see your progress.

    If  you start running you can do this easily.

  7. Yes it is accomplishable. Some i know can do it in 5min

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