
Is this excessive for h**l week?

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Alright so i have football h**l week and i think our coach is pushing some of our players to hard, some have already quit, one got severe heat exhaustion and a couple are already really hurt. Here's our Schedule

Weigh In: 7:20-7:40

Team/Position Meetings: 7:45- 8:30

Practice: 8:35-10:50

Break: 10:50-11:00

Practice: 11:00-12:30

Weights on MWF: 12:30-1:30

Lunch: 1:30-2:30

Position Meeting: 230-3

Practice: 3:05-5:55

Conditioning: 5:55-6:30

This seems like a lot more than your typical 2-a-days. But what are your opinions, i feel like if this heat stays up a bunch of kids could get hurt and break down, going like this for another week and a half




  1. a lot but you will get use to it and will eb ready for the pros

  2. Yeah, that seems like a lot.  Most teams limit on-field practices to 2 hours because after that you tend to break down.  I can't say I've ever heard of a team doing three on-field sessions in one day, not for more than a week.

    Just keep eating and drinking a lots of water and gatorade.  If you are going both ways a lot you'll need all the conditioning you can get.

  3. sounds like quite a bit to me I don't think he is giving ya'll long enough breaks between all of those practices

  4. It depends on where your from and what grade your in. If your playing in texas on a varsity team, then that seems like a lot but not too much.  I live in Michigan on Varsity and thats a h**l of alot more than we do. Our practices go from 7 until 3, i cant imagine going much longer than that. Good Luck man

  5. Mabey throw two breaks in there or make the breaks 15mins but other than that that's the same as mine except we start with weights... and yes guys will break down but that's how coaches can tell the men (who live and breathe football) from the boys (they like it but don't have a passion for it)

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