
Is this guitar worth anything?

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I have a Sakooa acoustic guitar that was my father's from the 60s 0r 70s. I had the strings replaced and was trying to start playing it (totally difficult!) and if I don't get into it soon I'll probably sell it. Is it worth much?

Also, any tips for getting started with guitar (if I do keep the acoustic)? Not sure if I want to take any lessons yet, I just want to get a basic understanding of the instrument first. I play piano as well.




  1. If you READ notation on the piano, you have a HUGE head start! The guitar is the same but played an octave higher. learn where your notes are and how it is tuned and you can get a JUMP.  BTW, almost any string instrument is tuned like the piano to A440.

    Don't know what the guitar is worth without seeing it, etc.  I believe either your dad was involved in the Viet Nam conflict, or had some one buy the guitar who was. It was sold in Japan, I believe.

  2. well if the body of the guitar is still in shape along with the fret board and headstock it should be worth around $500-$700

    But if you were to cash it in you would have to bring it to a antique shop and not a PAWN SHOP!!! they will rip you off!

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