
Is this guy good looking?

by  |  earlier

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this isnt me, its the guy i have a hugeee crush on. lemme know hat you think. is he cute, is he hot, is he "g*y" looking?




  1. well , to me he doesn't look too g*y but if i'd go for guys i'd be like'heheeey'

  2. yeah he kinda does look g*y. He's kinda a little ugly....

  3. yeah hes pretty cute

  4. i think he's very good looking, he doesn't look g*y though but you never know so just ask him

  5. He's cute, but you can't jugde if a person is g*y just by one picture. DUH.

  6. The picture is kind of... dark and stuff hard to say anything o_o

  7. He is hot! He is so not g*y looking, go for it and I hope it works out for ya! Good luck.

  8. He is hot.

    I don't know about g*y.

  9. not my type. but he's not bad looking.  

  10. awwww yeah he's really cute :)

    and i think he looks g*y.

    obviously you cant just judge from a picture...

    but i think he has a g*y vibe about him.

    you have good taste lol :]

  11. he is definataly cute and he looks like he could be hot but i dont know if he is g*y xD

  12. He's really cute...go for it

  13. I reserve my vote until I can see him in sunlight.

  14. YES!!!!!!!!!! no he doesn't look g*y!  

  15. He looks cute, but you should get a better picture to show people. As for g*y looking, what does a g*y person look like?

  16. not my type rly, but he lks pretty fit! =D lol

  17. he's hot..

  18. Ya he's cute! too bad you can't really see him that well though, weird pic

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