
Is this guy verbally abusive?

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a guy who :

1. yells at you all the time

2. screams at you calling you a r****d cause of accidents

3. orders you around

4. constantly threatens you

and is it a big deal

i feel like it might be cause i have random crying spills and anger, and never feel good enough looks wise and body wise.

i dont know, an answer would possibly help because i'm starting to feel really lonely and crappy about myself, and just realized he could possibly be a contributing factor to that.




  1. He certainly is a contributing factor to your feelings of inadequacy, but so are you.  Yes, he is definitely abusive, but why are you allowing him to be?  At the end of the day, nothing will change unless YOU change it.

  2. h**l yes!!! Get away from him now!  You don't deserve that! He will never change and it will only get worst!

  3. Yes, he is verbally abusive.  It probably will only get worse with time until it becomes physical.  

    He is the contributing factor to how you've been feeling, especially if you have realized it yourself.  Stress will cause ou more than just crying, anger, self-esteem issues but will cause you pain, other symptoms.  One day you'll look in the mirror and wonder why you dealt with it for so long and realize that you can never turn back time.    

    Seek some domestic violence information, possibly counseling, talk to your friends and family.  Do not let him do this to you.  

    I was with someone for 8 years that did that c**p to me.  It was very mild at the beginning but got worse and worse with time, stresses of life, children, responsibilities, etc.  He was even convicted of domestic violence, jailed, did anger management.  We are getting a divorce now.

  4. Yes this is genuine verbal abuse. Start planning an exit stratagy and get free from this unconciderate weasel.  

  5. verbally mentally emotionally abusive and its all illegal and later all this can turn into physical abuse or domestic violence i wish for you to have the best future someday when you findout that hes not really meant for you because those signs of what you just said are signs of a dangerous relationship

  6. my bf does the same thing to me... it doesn't get better. They apologize and act normal but it will keep happening anytime you accidently do something or when he doesn't like what you're doing... Get out of it as soon as you can. The longer you take i promise you the harder it will get...

  7. Yes, get rid of him now! He does not love you or care about your feelings. He is only concerned about himself.

  8. Uhhh, yes sweetie he is, get out & don't look back!

  9. YES it is verbal abuse. This guy is a control freak who doesn't care about your feelings and how he hurts you, nor does he show you any respect. Move on.

  10. sounds like hes verbally abusive and controlling too.  get out of the relationship as soon as you can or get some help to work it out.  No one deserves to be treated that way, care about yourself enough to either end it or get counseling.

  11. Find out what makes you happy in life, whether it be a career or another goal and work towards achieving that goal. This should help with your self esteem. It sounds like this guy is preying on your low self image. Don't ever let anyone make you feel bad about yourself, they are just projecting their own fears onto you. And anyone that does that is a long way from commenting on anyone else's behaviors. What is going on here isn't true love and until this guy gets help you need to start thinking about getting out of this relationship. He may have good qualities, but I'm sure Hitler did as well.

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