
Is this horse right for me?

by  |  earlier

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ok im an advanced rider, and i having been jumping for about 2 and a half years now(i'm an intermediate jumper), and my parents say i can look into horses for sale. And so, today i found a horse that was perfect, at least for me. It's a gelding, 17 hh, and he jumps as high as i am doing now. His temperment is very calm and pretty obediant, and he stands well for farrier, vet, trailer, ect. He is also healthy. The price is also in our price range. He is amazing, but i want to make sure he isn't to perfect. What do you think from what you hear about me and my experience?




  1. It sounds like you should go and try him out a few times. If you like the look of his ad, then it would probably be worth it to go and see him in person. Try him out at least twice, hopefully more. If he suits you well and the owners don't seem shady, go for it.

  2. sounds really nice=] i think you should just go try him out=] good luck i hope everything goes well!

  3. if you cant judge 4 urself then u arent ready 4 a horse...simple as that

  4. That horse sounds perfect.

    But be aware that you know about horse care. Things can be thrown at you, and you have to be able to know what to do, etc...Owning a horse, or any animal, is like holding another life in your hands. That horse seems like he doesnt deserve to suffer through anything, from the sounds of how gentle-hearted he is.

    Good luck!

  5. Yes just treat it really nice  

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