
Is this internet speed good???

by  |  earlier

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i just found out my internet speen and i don't know if it is fast or slow the speed is

Download Speed: 62 kbps (7.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 58 kbps (7.3 KB/sec transfer rate)




  1. NO! its very poor

  2. No, it is the worse speed yet. Contact your ISP to see if the Signal to Noise ratio is correct or it maybe your hardware.

    It also depends how far you are from the exchange.

    Hope this helps.

  3. The upload speed is faster than mine. Mine is capped at 25KB/sec. But it is still very slow

    Your download speed sucks, comparatively speaking.

  4. To compare:

    Mine was:

    5113 download

    647 upload

    Yours is terrible unless it is dialup.  Then it is just bad.

  5. Ok, Your speed depends on a number of factors like how far from your local telephone exchange you are, where your suburb is located, the type of connection in use, the cable quality, your usage habits and etc. Generally speaking though, your Internet speeds are very bad.

    I live in the south-east suburbs of Melbourne and am on a telstra bigpond 25GB Extreme plan which gives me a:

    download rate of 31.3mb/s, yes megabytes

    Upload rate of 1.0mb/s.


    If your speed is really concerning you, I suggest you contact your service provider so they can sort out the problem at their end or send some-one out to your property and exchange to see whats going on. If need be, change to a different company. TPG I hear is good value. Bigpond provides Australian consumers some very fast speeds though.

    Another thing that might have happened is that, for example, on telstra's 12GB then slowed plan, your normal speed is about 3MB/s but as soon as you use your allocated 12GB, your download and upload speed will be limited to 65KB/s. If you download a lot of movies or music, I suggest upgrading your plan or switching service providers.

    Hope this helps.


  6. click on the link below retest it and then you can compare to the rest of the world.

    here are my results so you can compare.



  7. Depends if you are on Dialup then yes it's fine.  IF your are on DSL or Cable then not it's very slow.

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