
Is this just teen drama

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i am dying from my passion. ever since i was a baby i was in love with boats and ships. now, i'm 15 (boy) and i am burning in the flame of my own passion for having my own boat. i want a really big one. i live in alexandria, louisiana so there's tons of places to put in a boat, (esspecially the red river) and ive wanted my own since i was just like 3 years old. but they are expensive! but i cant wait till im grown up i want one NOW!!! ive been waiting for over 12 years and i want one already. my family is poor though and so that schratches out me gettin my own boat but THERE HAS TO BE A WAY TO GET RICH QUICK SO I CAN BUY A BIG BOAT!!!!! there's gotta be!!! i want like one of those huge fishing boats like on the ocean. how could i get enough money for one within, say, 6 months?




  1. jeez. lol, i was reading this saying wtf? lol

    if you want a boat, you know what you do?

    you go out there and you

    BUY A d**n BOAT! LOL

  2. haha to answer the question

    "is this just teen drama"

    the answer is no....

    you obviously don't know what teen drama is.

    As in ways to get a boat?

    I don't really know, I don't think a 15 year old could earn enough money for a boat in 6 months.  But just save up and continue following your dream. Get a job.

  3. Ummm, you're boat won't mean much if you don't work hard for you.  Go to school, work a couple side jobs and see if you can get grandparents or parents to sponsor your cause by matching funds.  Other than that, you just gotta bust your butt to get what you want!

  4. umm keep dream and maybe a fairy will answer your dreams. Or maybe tr working on a boat that way you can be on a boat and save up some money for one of your own someday... or you could help out your poor family?

  5. play the stock market

    invest all your money into a few low shares

    and watch your money grow day by day!

  6. get a job.  do extra chores.  boats are very very expensive though, get a small one to start with, like a john boat.

  7. buy your boattttt. go for ittttttttttttt!

    godd guys are shallow aren't they?

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