
Is this media worthy?

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My teacher told me about a situation his daughter who is in 1st grade had. That she went to lunch one day, had the lunch in her hands went to register... and was denied her lunch because she was over due $4, so they took the lunch from her hands gave her a milk and a cold cheese sandwhich, in which she doesn't like. She also stayed after school, so she had no food from 8-5, a 1st grader sat and had nothing to eat for hours. Is that right? Also her parents deposit 30-50$ in her lunch account at a time and has never been over due or late on a deposit...

He then contacted the schools and got 2 replys, when he tried to contact the district about this nothing happend...

How could you snatch the food from the hands of a first grader? Also my teachers daughter told him that "People say that kids who eat cheese sandwhichs are poor", now she has that mental thought because they did not give her food because of the first time over due.

Should this be sent to the media with the responses




  1. No....apart from being really was the parents fault for not ensuring their daughters meal was paid for...

  2. This  kind of fits in with our schools policies of rigid enforcement of guidelines.  Suspensions for children kissing or holding hands.  Teachers reprimanded for hugging a child.  School lunches denied to a child because of an over sight.  It is unbelievable how uncaring we have gotten.  Report it to the news media, report it to the school superintendent, report it to the teachers union, report it to the school board.  This kind of unthinkable action should never happen.

  3. which media are we talking about. Yes I do think the media is worthy. They are a good source of information.
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