
Is this normal?? Girls please!!!?

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I've had my period for a little under a year now and sometimes I get it less then every month and sometimes more than every month. And normally when I get it late... its really light and not very painful. And when I get it early its a lot heavier and more painful... is this normal?

please help!!!




  1. Ive had it for liek 4 yrs now.. and the first couple yrs was weird.. at some point i was 3 months without.. so dont worry ;)

  2. its normal to be irregular in at least the first will become normal and predictable over time.

  3. yea it is normal! it takes about a year for your period to become regular.

  4. i'm gonna have to say the same as the first person.

    if it's just your first year your period will be very irregular. so just hang in there. i would say the only time you need to worry is after 2 years. if it's still really irregular by then,  you might want to ask a doctor. but for right now i think your fine.  

  5. This is definitely normal.  It can take a few years for your period to become regular, and many women do not become regular until they are in their late teens or early 20's.  If it continues to be irregular or, if the flow is extremely heavy (having to change pads or tampons in less than an hour for a period of time), then see a gynecologist.  Also, if the cramps are interfering with your life and cannot be controlled with Midol or Pamprin, you may want to see your gynecologist.  

    Even if not sexually active, if you continue to be irregular, the pill is an option to help regulate your periods and also lessen cramps.

  6. ive had my period 2 years now   i  had started on the first day of school i didnt get it again for five months and then after it was of and on so ur not the only girl who is irregular so dont be to worried its allways like that when u first start

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