
Is this normal for a Gemini?

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Whenever I am not noticed I get really mad or sad until people start talking about me - then I get happy! Even if they are backstabbing me! When they mention me, I feel glad. Is this normal for a Gemini? Do we want to be noticed a lot? or is this just a stupid question to ask?

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  1. i'm also like that.... funny..... :s

  2. Thats normal for a person with low self esteem and is  Dependant on other people.

  3. totally normal!!!it's a gemini trait lol

  4. I am like that too!! And I'm a Gemini :)

  5. OMG!

    im like that too! =]

    im a gemini!

  6. my boyfriends a gemini and well be sitting there and i'll be doing something he'll sigh mumble to himself until i say something then he'll get all happy and yeahh its a gemini thing = D

  7. Gemini go everywhere together, hand-in-hand, symbolizing your dual nature. Our world comes in pairs: good and evil, male and female, in and out, yin and yang -- and you Geminis are living proof. Some might say Gemini are an entanglement of paradoxes, but the truth is that Gemini have an easy acceptance of opposites. Gemini world is one of duality. Gemini can like this and that, one thing and its opposite. It's like you see your world through a radio and Gemini can tune experiences and points of view in and out as your interests change.

    You Geminis are curious, talkative, versatile and mentally active. Your mind can bounce around from one topic to another with great ease, making Gemini the champion of cocktail party chatter and lighthearted social encounters. Others will think that Gemini are fun to be with, but your ability to change with the changing winds can also lead others to see Gemini as shallow.

    Gemini motto might be "A rolling stone gathers no moss." You are the eternally youthful child, no matter your chronological age. A razor-sharp wit can have you verbally dueling with the very best of opponents, who moments later are your best of friends. As you fly through life, don't forget to take time to smell the flowers.

    Element: Air

    The astrological element of air represents movement. And the most efficient movement between two points is often a thought. Air signs are thinkers. They emphasize the intellect over other functions. With active minds and a good command of language, the air signs are the natural born communicators. They can be light and breezy as the breath of spring, but their words can also carry the power of a gale force wind.

    The air of Gemini is always changing direction. First the winds blow one way, then another. It's a metaphor for how our mind solves a puzzle, first thinking one way and then trying a different approach. This is a restless and searching wind.

    Third House: Communication

    The Third House symbolizes all aspects of communication -- and most communication happens within our immediate environment. Therefore this is also the house of our surrounding. Traditionally, this includes the type of interactions that happen between siblings, whether or not you actually have any. It also represents quick trips and short-distance travel.

    Key Planet: Mercury

    Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, moves around the Sun faster than any other planet. He symbolizes our thoughts -- not only how we think, but how we communicate. In fact, Mercury is in charge of all language. Mercury is our active and rational mind. It is not only "just the facts" but also what we do with them. As the key planet of Gemini, Mercury is restless and changeable. It drives us to talk and to listen, but not necessarily to action.

    Gemini Greatest Strength: Your curiosity about a variety of interests

    Gemini Possible Weakness: Distracting yourself from what is most important

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