
Is this normal for a burn??

by  |  earlier

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i burned myself on the fingers of my left hand, on a metal pan that was reeally hot. its been a couple hours, and it no longer hurts like helll but its all wrinkly, like they're pruned, you know when your skin gets all wrinkly from water. it looks like that. i think its a first degree burn, but it might be second degree im not sure. but my main question is, is the burn supposed to be wrinkly? im not gonna post a pic b/c i dont think its too serious, like, its not 3rd degree or anything.




  1. yea thats normal it will probably turn into a blister by tommorow  

  2. it might be a second. my brother burnt himself with a poptart (they can get really hot!). his hand was like yours, wrinkly, and now its scared it got a little better since when he burned it and his hand is working fine and doesnt hurt but you might get a scar. i don't think its 3rd degree. just out a cream on it. forgot what its called, put it in a bandage and put it in water if it still hurts.  

  3. I am sure it will turn into a water blister and heal up but probably leave a little mark.  

  4. Wow... The same thing happened to me yesterday.  I got a burn from a hot skewer on my left hand and now it's all wrinkly.  Don't be worried, it's fine.

  5. That is normal and then it will fill up with water (like a tiny blister), but don't pop it or it will hurt bad! If you have burn cream put some on it, that will help the healing process.

  6. I don't know why your skin went wrinkly, but I know you can safely put aloe vera gel on it.  

  7. go see a docter!!!!!!! quick!!!! burns are not wrinkly!

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