
Is this normal for a guy?

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im a guy,and i mostly hang out with girls, im very comfortable around them. not as comfortable wih guys.

i dont want girl traits to rub off on me, and i dont want to be to fem, so it would make more sence to hang out with more guys. how could i "unlock my inner guy"

how could i just start hanging with guys more.




  1. It doesn't really matter, does it?  Some girls like femmy guys.  Most of my friends were guys in college too, and I'm a girl.  If you were in clubs or activities with lots of guys you'd already have guy friends, I think.

  2. You just need to find guys that have the same interest as you. You do not have to hang out with guys that only care about boxing matches. Find whatever friends suit you.

    Do not worry about female traits rubbing on you. You will be whoever you want to be.  

  3. you might be g*y

  4. alot of my best friends

    r guys and they hang out wif only


  5. play video games it is a good way

    i play sports it always provides me with toughness

  6. if you are athletic, join a sports team and make some friends there. just branch out to guys sittng next to you in class or something. do any of your girl friends have brothers or boyfrends you can hang out with?

  7. be yourself because if you try to be like everyone wants you to be then they never know the real you  

  8. Haha! That is just like me I swear all of my friends are girls and im....idk straight there is nothing wrong with it and I have slowly made few friends that are guys but it doesnt advice to you is to just not care!! :) thats what I do now a days I just do not care it helps sooo much I feel umm..."free" I think is the word. Well I just feel better just hang with girls its cool. Plus when I have a crush on some girl  I kinda know what they want in a way. It helps :) haha! well good luck!

    Have a great day mate! :)

  9. Just start hanging out with more of your guy friends. make friends with your females friends boyfriends or something.Dont look like a threat to them being that your their girlfriends friend. you know what i mean?

    just take a break from the girls every so often.

    GOod luck :)



  10. just be yourself, so who cares if your a little feminine girls find that attractive.

  11. Please don't take this badly, but are you sure you aren't g*y?2 reaosns for that assertion.

    1) you hang around with girls most of the time.

    2) you want to hang around with guys.

    neither of these two things indicates gayness, but combined its the recipe for a frustrated confused person. Seems like you arent sure whats happening, and in that case my advice would be relax, go with the flow and hang around wiht people based solely on their character and not their sexuality.  Things will sort themselves out, and you should'nt worry whether its 'normal' or not , or who you SHOULD be haning out with. Why worry, if you enjoy hanging out with girls,, then they have characteistics you admire, so why worry those same charcateristics will rubb off on you? Besides why do you have to choose, arent there any mixed groups to pal with?

  12. yo i have this one friend who is just like u..but he is real feminine and erybody calls him g*y..i guess as long as u still act like a guy and date girls then it dont really matter

  13. it's normal for a dude. I'd looove for a dude like that! But if you want to change. Go to boxing, watch games, get a girlfriend, mess around with the guys. Even though i'm a girl and i'm a tomboy i love guys. and i am a tomboy so i should now.. and i do. Be tough and hang rough. Make guys cry! so it can make you feel strong. I wonder if i can make a dude like this... so i can be his girl. but what ever about that. Just do manly things.. And don't watch p**n... it just makes you a pervert and a horny dude. If you get addicted to it you'll try to do the moves on a girl, and you'll just be thinking about it all day, and you'd be jittery. So don't do that! and again it's normal for a guy!

  14. buddy, do what you want.  hang out with "people" you enjoy; whether it be a guy or a girl!

  15. Be yourself , dont depend on others to much , for their opinion or concepts because even if a majority of people say the same thing , it can still be very very wrong.

  16. If you have one guy friend get to know his friends.

    It is normal for a guy to hang out with girls.

    I am a girl and I hang out with mostly guys.

  17. I only ever hang out with one guy and hang out with mostly all girls.

    You won't get more feminine from it.

    Plus most guys are the douche bag kind of guys. And you don't want THAT to rub off on you.

  18. make your girl-friends to invite one of their guy friends, so that it's all girls and two guys. the other guy will want to branch out to you. since you two will have something in common (being guys) you'll probably start talking.

    or, just treat guys like girls and add them on msn (it's easier to talk there, in my opinion) and eventually you'll get comfortable and close to one of them then you can hang out with them in life. you can ask them questions about school, or volunteering opportunities, games, etc.

    i have a friend like you, too. he's got some guy friends but he's not very close to them. all the other guys seem to be a bit bewildered at him since he's so different (not FABULOUS in the g*y way, but just the fact that he has so many girl-friends)

  19. What are you 12?

  20. umm well first off ur probly not to straight like my mother

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