
Is this normal for a puppy? ..?

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My little guy is a 4.6 pound pomeranian. He takes pretty deep breathes, but when he sleeps he takes a HUGE breathe (like every other 7 breaths) and it's really hard to explain. The breathe will make his whole body move and scares the h**l out of me. He usually cuddles up right next to me before a nap and everytime his "huge breathe" comes and he's curled, it would like.. Make his whole body shive/move, sometimes pushing his head into my body. Sorry.. It's really hard to explain. Anybody know if this is normal? It's almost as if he's sighing (but it's frequent.. So..)?

Otherwise, he is a healthy boy without asthma or anything. Plays normally, has regular vet check ups (he's fine), eats and goes to the bathroom normally, etc.




  1. hey.....i have a golden retriever of 7 months......when he was of 4-5 months..........he did somthing like dat. Wat he used to do is dat while taking deeeep breathes hes toook one very deeeep breathe and then didnt breathe for some seconds.....v used to shake him to get him to wat v observed was that he resumed his normal breathing said he is den v didnt concern bout dis matter so much........if ur very sacared den do go and telll your vet bout it.......dont wrrry....helll b fine.

  2. Do you mean like a big deep breath and then you hear them breath heavily out of there nose? If so, it probably means they are just sighing or are tired. Also if that isn't the problem, then you may want to consult a doctor. You may want to record a video of this happening to show your doctor.

  3. It sounds totally normal to me, dogs do some strange things when they're sleeping sometimes. Once in a while my dog will start breathing really heavily, and convulse a little. It was alarming at first, but when she wakes up she's fine.

    Maybe you could ask your vet at the next visit if you're still concerned.  

  4. Ask your vet at the next check up for peace of mind but personally this seems like his natural sleep breathing pattern.  Humans alter their breathing patterns to (AKA snoring for example) whilst sleeping.  

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