
Is this normal in a hamster?

by  |  earlier

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My hamster has been a little strange lately. He is an active little guy, when he isn't sleeping he is running about his cage. For a couple days now, he's been very weird. While he is racing around his cage, suddenly he'll fall asleep. He lies asleep for about 10 minutes, and then wakes up and jumps up likes he's been stung, then scurries into his hamster home. It was really odd, and I was just wondering if this is normal in hamsters. Thanks!




  1. well there are 2 things either he has flees or he is just hyper just in case take him to the vet for a check up it usally cost about $30 in my county  

  2. I'm sorry that doesn't sound normal I owned 5 hamsters. How long have you had the hamster for. Maybe changing its diet will help. Do you have a wheel or a ball for it to exercisee and have fun. Maybe he's not getting enough exercisee so he's running around the cage. If the condidtion gets worse plz take it to the vet.

  3. if u can ring up the vet and tell them whats wrong. they may provide an answer without you going in.

  4. lol those guys that say take to a vet there lying don't take a to a vet is normal they do dat i had a lot of hamster in my past days and some of them would of do dat sometimes it would run really fast and go to there hide out so in hamster world it's normal it better if u have the ball roll were u put u hamster in the ball and he runs

  5. Im sure he's just playing about.

    My hamster does that sometimes.

  6. um... no that doens't sound normal, I have owned two and they never did that.

  7. my hamster does it too.. it's okay.

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