
Is this normal?? please help!?

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i am almost 40 weeks and have not gone into labor. normally wouldn't care but i just want to scream! i want her out and i am so sick and tired of waiting! is it normal to be this freaked about it? i just feel like i cant wait anymore. i want her out so bad. i know this is probably a lame question but i just dont know what to do with myself!! please help!




  1. of course it is normal! just keep yourself occupied with cleaning, cooking, walking, s*x (if you are up to it, helps induce labor naturally)

  2. I was once there. I was 40 weeks and 4 long long days over due.

    They come when they are ready and if they aren't usually here a week after the 40th week, then you can be induced. Just have to wait it out and it's horrible I know!

    It took me a whole day to go into full blown labor the fourth day after my due date, so really it was like 5 days of him in there when he didn't need to be. Haha. :) Good luck!

  3. This is your body's way of getting you ready for labour.  Throughout the pregnancy you dread the thought of labour and giving birth, but at the end you get to the point where you'd do ANYTHING to get that baby out.

    This is where you are now.  It's almost over and you'll forget all about this.  Try to keep yourself distracted.

  4. yes thats normal! Im only 21 weeks and i want my little girl here NOW! its amazing how you can care, wish, and hope for something inside of you before you can ever have a physical relationship with it!!! O the joys of motherhood!!!  

  5. well you could go to the hospital and induce, or you can call your doctor and ask if there are any natural ways to help the proccess

  6. I felt exactly the same, I couldn't wait for various reasons. I wanted to:

    *hold and see my son

    *take care of him (feed him, bath him, put on all his cute little baby clothes)

    *be slim again!!

    *wear a nice dress again!!

    *stop using the restroom so many times!!

    *sleep on my stomach!! (I usually sleep like this)

    Enjoy your baby!!

  7. it is totally normal to feel like that. don't worry. she'll be along any day now remember x

  8. If you are going on 40 weeks, your doctor should schedule a C-section for you sometime soon (if baby doesn't come on her own). I feel that way myself sometimes. I'm 6 months pregnant with twins and I'm ready for them to be born!! Congratulations on your baby girl :)

  9. Lol.. I'm 30 weeks and I've felt that way for the last month or so.  It gets to a point where pregnancy is no longer a novelty but a chore.  You should call your OB and ask if you can get your membranes separated/scraped (usually induces labor within 24 hours) or schedule an induction date, at least that will give you something to count down to.

  10. I felt this way when I was about36 weeks. There was a point my body couldn't take it anymore and I could feel the strain of carrying her. I actually had my girl 3-4 weeks early. I knew she would come earlier because of the way I was feeling. If you are really in tune with your body, you should have an idea of what and what you're body can't handle. If you feel that it is too much for you then I would talk to your doctor about inducing labor.  Try to relax and focus on your baby coming and the childbirth ahead. Prepare and get plenty of rest in the meantime because sleepless nights are in store........good luck , mother hood is around the corner!

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