
Is this normal...........?

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Im sixteen n furthest ive gone with a boy is a snog(tongue kiss)is this normal? Most the people i no who are my age have gone the whole way.




  1. same here, but its not wrong at all

    most people who go the whole way could be possibly just saying that to fit in, as not everyone is comfortable to go that far so young

    best wait till your ready, then no regrets are felt


  2. Maybe it isn't "normal" but the normal is crazy now days.

    DON'T go further with anyone. You will probably end up regretting it. Maybe not now, or anytime soon, but one day you probably will.

    I'm 19 and have not gone all the way. Keep yourself Pure. It will be worth it. I'm not a freak, I am a normal teenager that decided to take a stand and not be "normal" and it's working great. Stand up and be strong, don't give into the crowd. It will be worth it all!

  3. Hey, don't do anything your not ready for. I'm fourteen and as far as I can tell, I don't see myself kissing anyone till I'm 30! XDD

    Just kidding

  4. naa dont worry i wont 19, i got mad girls wanting me, and i wont give it up just to any a soccer player,blue eyes, blonde...dont do it just cuz u think its not ok..thats just stupid...give ur virginity to someone who deserves it

  5. I'm sixteen and actually had my first "snog", as you call it, last week. So, you're fine. Don't feel bad, because if you do your karma will follow suit. So 'Hakuna Mattata'.

    My partner and I think it would be best to wait anyway. s*x changes everything and unless you two are 100% trusting and understanding on the subject I don't think you should do it. No pun intended...

  6. its fine

    take your time

    best time for things to happen.. is when your fully comfortable with it

  7. Don't do anything you aren't ready for.

    and don't let anyone force you into doing something either.

    It's okay to not go "all the way" in fact, you'd be suprised at how many people actually lie about doing it.

    Wait until you're married and have found your Mr. Right.

    It'll be much more rewarding then! And it'll be more special.

  8. I don't understand why you've asked this question in the pregnancy/newborn field?

    But yeah, I agree that there's no set time limit, just go at your own pace

  9. its fine, Those other kids...Well they got problems, Keep your morals and don't go all the way till you "the one" and get married to "The one"

  10. thats awesome. the longer you wait the better it will be! it doesnt matter what other people are doing, just be yourself.

  11. take your time and DO NOT give in to peer pressure. you are only 16. boys only want one thing and you will get hurt.  wait until you are in love and you are sure he loves you and then still wait until you are ready. if he pressures you, he does not really love you and will hurt you.  trust me.

  12. oh my goodness yes dear. please dont fall into that trap of peer pressure thinking that since most people your age have had s*x means you should too. s*x is a thing that should be shared between two people in love. its something that takes trust and can be amazingly pleasing if shared with the right person, but it loses its flair if you just sleep with anyone. even if you ahve a serious boyfriend..16 is wayyy young to think you shold be having s*x.

  13. I mean.. what the definition of normal? don't  do something because everyone else is doing it! take it as far as you want it to go... better yet.. dont do it at all untill you are inlove with someone!

  14. haha yah thats normal

    im only sixteen

    I think how far you go just depends on if you have a boyfriend or not

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