
Is this poem <span title="good?:::::::::::::::::::::?">good?::::::::::::::::::::...</span>

by  |  earlier

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even thought he gave us pain

we will not die in pity or vain

the sun will not force us dry

the rain shall not make us cry

he may be man but we woman are strong

when he is right we are not always wrong

we are not a storage a bag nor a cave

we fed the hungry and freed the slaves

we mad miracles encore and encore

we ened the depression and won the wars

and sorry mr president we rule the state

i mean look at us we wear dresses and skate

so when ever he says your nothing

laugh and say im the reason your something




  1. i dont get some of it. but im liking the female empowerment! ROCK ON!

  2. Yeah its good

  3. That is really good. Did you right that? If so, very creative.

  4. beautiful :)

  5. Say it loud say it proud, write it better, than you have now.

  6. When writing a poem, you should pay attention to the time you are referring to. There&#039;s a lot grammar mistakes, and when fixed, it may not sound as you wanted it to. Some words are spare, and some are missing. Anyway, the thought is there, the reader can sense it, but it gets confusing at the end of the line... In some parts, it sounds too &quot;modern&quot;, even immature, to be read as a poem, try to work with more serious metaphors to be taken seriously in a point you are trying to make, which is not bad, but could be presented better.    

  7. I think its awesome

  8. To be honest...


  9. Interesting.  However, you have numerous spelling mistakes.

  10. I like the fact you made this poem for women. I&#039;m glad someone looks upon our history. I think even though they are simple word it&#039;s a well done poem. Even though guys have made many accomplishments in history as well.

  11. wow thats really good you should like make a book of poetry or something

  12. It&#039;s pretty good. Just a;d b good 2 make adjustments 2 da 9th and 10th line cuz da rhyme iz a lil weak n kinda kills it....N for da record, da other dude b4 me doesn&#039;t know lil wayne wears 8 chains not 7 lol

  13. pretty nice =]

  14. i loved it. that was the best one i have ever read on here.  

    you get a starrrrrr

  15. uh huh

  16. i think it is, it has rhyming which i hard for a lot of ppl 2 do but it also has a meaning to it which i find is very important

  17. Good at beginning, confusing at the end. Is ened a word? The ending refer to things most don&#039;t know or not detail enough to understand.

  18. you should become a freestyle rapper and buy 7 chains and an escalade

    then challenge lil wayne

  19. yeah nice i luvvv it

  20. Wow, that&#039;s awesome. Love it.

  21. This poem is soooo true.

    I LUV it!!!

  22. Wow!!! That was great!! It is so deep! I wish I could write like that! It sounds like something I would read in school which unfortunately I start tomorrow :-)

    But that was a great poem :-)

  23. yes its pretty good

    nice job :)

  24. nice

  25. i like it but it does not matter of others opinions.

    your the poet, to have aa truly great poem you yourself have to like it.

    i mean if a dentist was not happy with the work he does on you, would you want to go back to him?

  26. I think it makes no sense at all.

    But i admire you for trying &amp; the varity of words are perfect.

    its just such a sad poem &amp; im a happy person .. write a happy one.

    after practice youll be perfect .

  27. very interesting...make you think

    i like it

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