
Is this possible with genetics??

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can a 1/4 indian & 3/4 black and a 3/4 black & 1/4 indian couple produce a child that is 100% indian or 100%black?




  1. NO.

    A child with this ancestry will STILL add the fractions from each parent.. and divide by 2 (having 1/2 from each parent).  The percentage of background (which has all the child's ancestry) will come out being exactly the same as the parents.

    3/4 Black and 1/4 Native.

    The only way a person has 100% of any ethnicity, is when both parents are 100% of the SAME THING.

    By the way.. that has nothing to do with which genes will be more dominant.

  2. Not really, because in the process of meiosis in which sperm & ova are produced, chromosomes cross over and exchange sequences, so some genes become a mix from both of the parent's parents genotype.

  3. short answer - YES.

    But...the percentages don't quite work that way. Although a child might show all the external signs of being entirely black or Indian a DNA test would show a quite arbitary mix of, say, 95/5% or 85/15%.

  4. No. The child would be 1/8 Indian and 3/8 Black from its father and 1/8 Indian and 3/8 Black from its mother.

    1/8 + 1/8 = 1/4 Indian

    3/8 + 3/8 = 3/4 Black

    It might look 100% Black or 100% Indian, though.

  5. Actually, the child would be 1/2 black and 1/2 Indian.  Speaking in terms of genetics, the child would RECEIVE all of the genes... I think you are referring to the phenotype or physical expression of the genes.  If that's what you are getting at, yes, it is possible for the child to LOOK 100% indian or 100% black; or anything inbetween.  That's the mystery of genetics.  This article should explain it better.

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