
Is this potato safe?

by  |  earlier

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I wrapped 2 small potatoes in aluminum foil and put them in the oven around.... 4pm and forgot about them. I went down to the kitchen a few minutes ago (it's 9 pm now) and someone had turned the oven off but the potatoes were still sitting in there wrapped in the foil. Can I still eat them? I heard that if you leave baked potatoes wrapped in foil at room temperature (or in my case, turned off oven temperature) it can create botulism bacteria. Do you think my potatoes were sitting in the foil long enough (about 5 hours) to make me sick?




  1. take the taters out of the foil and bake again til hot.

    that'll ensure that any growth has been terminated.

    they're fine, just reheat them.

  2. You should be fine unless you've never been exposed to that kind of bacteria before.  I drank tap water in Thailand that made me c**p blood and ate meat on a stick in Korea that made me c**p my pants before I walked a hundred yards.  Nothing fazes me now.  I'd eat that potato even if it was sitting there for days.  I think you better try it.

  3. You have nothing to worry about.

  4. i have left it in a ocen over night while it was off cause i forgot bout it then heated it up the next day and didnt get sick

  5. Yes, nothing to worry about.  The potatoes won't make you sick.
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