
Is this really wierd??

by  |  earlier

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I think i am a hypocondriac (sorry i think i spelled that wrong but you get the point)

everytime i hear a symptom of something i start freaking out and doing a lot of research on it.

also i get stressed out about everything and sometimes i can just be sitting doing nothing and my heart starts racing an i get really anxious or nervous for no particular reason.

also, i can never go to sleep until really really late.

am i crazy??

or is this normal




  1. No you are not crazy, it sounds like you have anxiety and when your heart rate increases and you feel really nervous/worried this is an anxiety attack. Other symptoms of an anxiety attack include, sweating, shaking, nausea and so on - depending on severity.

    I am similar in that I worry that a simple symptom maybe be something seriously wrong with me! Even though its usually nothing!

    I have also had problems with worrying too much to the point I get anxiety attacks - but sometimes they do indeed happen for no reason at all it seems.

    See your doctor for treatment advice, he may suggest natural or medical treatments for you depending on your case. You may just need to try some relaxation techniques, or keep your mind occupied and when you feel anxiety rising just focus on something else. I have learnt to shut most of the anxiety out because I know that it is pointless in stressing and worrying over the unknown.

    Edit: Kevin B clearly doesn't know what he is talking about because people who need help despite what is going on with them will generally reach out and ask for help at some stage.

  2. It sounds to me like you have anzity problems,they are relitvly commen in your teen years,just try to relax and think ratinally,but if this is really effeting you and making your life h**l go to a  doctor or a contsiller,there are many effetive ways of treating this problem

  3. Talk to a doctor 'bout your symptons he's got the accurate answers for you.

  4. You have anxiety.  I would recommend going to your doctor and telling him your symptoms.  He can prescribe you medication to help.  For now, I think you should stop researching online, because that will only provoke your anxiety building up.  Try exercising and keeping your mind busy.  Meditation also works when your thoughts are worrying you.  Good luck, and try to relax.

  5. you sound like a girl i know. everyone has "something" they do that makes them crazy or whatever. i think you are just trying to show off your crazy and make our crazy look sane. i can tell because if you really had anxiety you definitly wouldn't tell anyone about it, and you would probably know it's not normal and wouldn't need to ask.
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