
Is this right? psychologically?

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is it normal to love someone you have never met in person? like their soul or something but never been around them is this okay?




  1. I'm living that same thing right now. And, I LOVE my girl with all my heart. We live far away from each other, but we've managed to meet with instant messenger sessions, web cam, google talk, and everything possible. And I really love my girl, more than any other girl that I've actually "met" in real life.

    I consider my self a mature, balanced person, and I know I love her. So, I guess that's fine for you. Love comes in many ways we're not able to understand, but it comes. If you've found it, enjoy it, live it!!! Welcome to the club :)

  2. We love for many reasons.  Certainly it is acceptable to love someone you've never met.  Perhaps you love the way they smile, the way they speak, the sound of their voice, the way they walk, their facial expressions.  It only becomes a problem when it becomes an obsession.

    You can tell a great deal about a person by watching their mannerisms and how they interact with other people.

  3. dsaaadss

  4. Well, obviously it's not NORMAL, or you wouldn't feel conflicted enough to ask about it. Whether or not it's healthy or good is a different matter. I'm there too, so I'm biased when I say: Yes. Yes, it's right.

  5. yeah . sounds normal.

  6. NORMAL:

    1. Of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development.

    2. According with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle.

    3. Conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern.

    If you consider yourself characterized by any of these definitions, then I guess "normal" is suitable in your situation. However, if you consider yourself above intelligence, have your own individual principles, and a non-conforming attitude, then the statement in your question is irrelevant.

    If you have found someone you love, have never met in person, yet there is something unique about them that attracts you to them, what is wrong with that? Perhaps you've spoken to them on the phone and enjoy the sound of their voice and their laugh? Or you have IM them and like the way they present themself to you. Maybe you have seen a photgraph or pics on a webcam and think they are very attractive. Or perhaps all of the above. Lots of people have long distance relationships. Not all long distance connections continue on, but it is exciting and intriguing to get to know someone who lives far away (or even across town). For example, I live on the West Coast of Canada. I corresponded with an American who lives in the state of Michigan for over a year. I ended up moving there a year and 1/2 later, and marrying this person. Unfortunately, it did not last, but the experience was wonderful. Getting to know the person, making an alliance, developing actual feelings for this person, the travelling and the excitement involved.... it's all good. There are many other ways of life that are negative and don't bring your essence any happiness. For example, being involved in a gang - you may feel like you belong (as in a "family"), but hurting others and continually running from the law is not a productive way of life. In my opinion, if you feel that you are connected to someone with your soul, you are far more fortunate than many people in the world. Good luck in your endeavour!

  7. That's called being a stalker.

  8. I would say yes, if you have had many open conversations with this person.

  9. It happens, but I would advise caution.  Love involves the whole person, that is knowing another person rather thoroughly.  Love by email (or regular mail) means you fall in love with words and what they mean to you.  But real love does involve what a person looks like, feels like, sounds like, not just correspondence. In other words, I would question whether the "love" is authentic, real love.

  10. Hey, watch out now,make sure you don't follow the dead(smile)!

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