
Is this rude? seriously? ?

by  |  earlier

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im in calworks and doing a thing called job club. they help us look for jobs and stuff so i have an interview today to b a receptionist at a chiropractors office.. well being on calworks i dont have alot of money at i came to the job club today im wearing a nice black shirt jeans and counselor here at job club looked at me strange and said: "are you ready for your interview today?" n i said yea..ans shes all: "like that"? i said yea shes all:"in jeans?" and i said yes its all i have and i dont have the money to go and buy something else thats why im here. and shes said"oh girl your not gonna be successful" are you kidding me i am soo mad that was soo rude...i hope i get this job so i can shove it in her face! come on now its not like im wearing sweats and a tshirt.........i dont know...what do you guys think?




  1. You need to understand that your appearance is critical to getting hired for most jobs; because you once worked in a casual ofc does not mean all ofcs will be so casual. Most ofcs require professional dress, and your clothing does not fit the requirements. You need to go to Goodwill, Salvation Army or churches and get suitable clothing or you will find it difficult to get hired anywhere. What is fine and acceptable for one ofc may not necessarily be acceptable for all ofcs. You need to view the situation from all points of view and understand and accept the fact that not all ofcs are the same and how important it is for you to dress appropriately.

    EDIT: I have a section of what you wrote here so I can address it:

    "ok thank you to all the people that had nice and truthful things to say. i appreciate it.. i am not going to the interview now.. i completly feel like ****.. and no i cannot afford "trousers" right now.. times are hard for me..just cause you all have the perfect outfit doesnt mean that i do. and i dont and will not wear hand me downs. I am however going to go get one decent interview out fit with whats left of my money."

    You really should go to the interview; you're letting your pride and your anger rule what you need to do, in order to survive in the world you need to remove your anger and your pride and do whatever you have to do in order to get the job, which should be your primary focus.

    Your refusal to wear hand me downs is self serving and you only hurt yourself when you are stubborn and don't avail yourself of help when you really need it. You need help, you need a job and you need to look professional at this stage. You need to do whatever it takes to reach your goal, which is to find a job. Don't turn your nose up at hand me downs; some of the clothes they have are beautiful and only gently worn. Your attitude is troubling and frankly, does not bode well for your future. You need to control your emotions and soon.

  2. Here's a bit of interview etiquette.  You should always wear something a more professional than what you would normally wear on the job.  Perhaps you were a receptionist before, but in most places of business, this job would require business casual attire at the very least.  Jeans are way to casual for a job interview, even for a job at a fast food restaurant, in my opinion.  Look at what you wear as your uniform.  You may not be the most comfortable in what you're wearing.  But you are taken far more seriously in your job, whatever it is, if you wear your uniform proudly.

  3. She probably didn't handle the situation well, but she does have a point.  If you're going to interview for a clerical job (especially receptionist because they are a focal point of an office), you need to wear something besides jeans.  Slacks and a nice blouse would be acceptable. But a skirt with a professional looking blouse is even better.    Most employers will not consider an applicant seriously if they show up to the interview in jeans (again, if you're looking for clerical or office work).   I've known some (I'm in HR) that wouldn't even follow through with the interview if the person showed up in jeans.

    Although what she said was on the rude side,  you should take her intended advice to heart.     Finding a job can be incredibly difficult -- the competition is fierce.  You need to make sure you do everything you can to present yourself well.  I know money is tight, I've been there.   Perhaps check out thrift shops or consignment shops to try and find a suitable interview outfit for as little money as possible.  Is there a friend or someone from whom you could borrow an outfit?


    In response to your added comments:  once you HAVE the job, it's perfectly acceptable to wear clothing according to the office dress code -- if it's casual, jeans are fine.  However, you need to get the job first.  And employers do not like to see potential applicants wearing jeans or similar clothing to interviews.  No matter how nice the jeans are it is an unprofessional way to dress.  It shows a lack of care in personal appearance and indicates to the interviewer that you're not serious about wanting a job with their company.  It basically shows that you are unprofessional without knowledge of appropriate office attire.  Again, once you have the job, dress according to office atmosphere.  But to get the job in the first place, you must dress to impress.   You need to search consignment shops, thrift shops or ask to borrow something from a friend or family member that would be more appropriate for an interview.

  4. If you're looking for a job in a factory or some type of labour position go ahead and wear jeans.  If you're looking for any type of office work wear a skirt or dress pants.  Period.  If you don't have any borrow some.

    You have bigger concerns though by the looks of your writing skills.

    Add:  Don't ask if you're only looking for people who agree with you.  Your counsellor has a job to do to.  Her job is to place people in positions.  The stubborn people like you who refuse to dress properly for an interview bring down her success rate and make her look bad so I can understand her frustration.  

    Also, you discuss dress code once you get the job.  At a first interview you make every effort to look your best and look professional.  Even if it's a jeans a T's office, if you are working hard toward advancement I'd say wear khaki's and blouse.  If you want to be a professional, act like one, dress like one...and write like one.

  5. she did not handle the situation well

    yes you should wear something a bit more appropriate but..

    good for you not going

    you should try to contact someone higher end and explain that she was very rude to you and that your having hard times so you dont have the money to go out and buy awhole new outfit just to go for an interview

    i know that its sometimes critical but like...still dont be so rude, she could have been nicer and gave you some pointers and say idk if your having a hard time at home, but alot of people will probably look past you if you go in wearing jeans and boots

    she coulda been nicer about it.

  6. okay so she was right about the jeans thing BUT completely WRONG about how she said it to you,and out of line she didn't have to belittle you to get her point across.but if that is all you have then i guess you have to work with what you have..but to tell you you are not going to be successful was out of line and just mean!!

    edit: awww still go to the interview and try your best dont feel bad about yourself work with what you have not everyone can just run out and buy what they need thats why you need this job and you dont not deserve it over a pair of jeans good luck!!

  7. You absolutely cannot go to a job interview in jeans!  The place you worked before was casual, but the place you were going to may not have been, you can't assume that until they tell you!  Seriously, that's interview 101, I thought everybody knew that.  She was telling you the truth, you need to learn to listen to people that have more experience than you do or she'll be right and you won't be successful.  I hope you get the job, but you always start off dressing up and let the job tell you it's okay to dress down.

  8. Ugh. That is a tough position to be in. On one hand, you are broke and can't afford nice clothes. On the other hand, in order to find a job that will make you less broke, you need to have nice clothes. The only suggestion I can make to you is to buy some nice slacks that you can wear both to job interviews AND in regular, everyday life. I have to admit, if I were interviewing someone, and they showed up in jeans, it would count against them. You really need at least one dressy outfit. Everyone does. Especially for a job interview for a receptionist position, the initial impression you give is vitally important. Receptionists are the "face" of the business that they are representing. If a receptionist does not look professional, the customer's initial impression may be negative. For more menial jobs, such as fast food restaurants or grocery stores, one can interview in jeans, but for jobs where you are going to be the initial representative of a company, dressier clothes are fairly necessary.

  9. I really don't think this was rude.  You need to dress to impress if you want to get a job.  I've had tons of job interviews over the years and I've always dressed up.  

    You could've borrowed some nice pants or a skirt.  Look at a Goodwill or some other second hand store for some job interview clothes.

  10. Yes, you're mad and you're gonna be even more when I say your conselor is right!!!  NEVER EVER WEAR JEANS/BOOTS/CASUAL clothes to an INTERVIEW!!!  That is veeery unprofessional... yes and it's different than working with casual clothes.  you may have worked as a receptionist wearing jeans because your boss then allowed you and it's within dress code policy, but jeans at an interview is a major NO NO NO.,   pleeeeaaaasseeee!  Don't ever.  You cannot afford trousers? they don't have to be expensive... TJ max. Sears. Target walmart have reeeally nice ones for under $20 sometimes even less with their sales-they have a whole section of sales items, or you could have borrowed from your friend or ex-coworker.  Also, you don't have to wear a 2 pc suit-even though it'll help you look really professional, but you must wear at least a trouser and a shirt- no casual clothing. oh and any kind of pumps-closed toes, no cologne, hair must be neat.

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