
Is this safe? Please help?

by  |  earlier

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So I have been on synphasic, and i have been using it for 4 months and i dont like the mood swings its giving me, its come to the point where i cant stop crying or stop getting into arguments with my boyfriend, and i am totally sick of it to the point where i dont want to take another pill!! i just want to stop now! I am on my 3rd week, on the second pill for the third week, and i dont want to finish the week. this pill makes my mood swings so strong that the slightest stupiidest thing makes me snap or cry, and i hate myself and my life and i just want to o back to me, so is it safe to just stop this pill and not take anymore? Please help me. Its easy to say to finish the month, but its life struggling to keep going. Please help me...




  1. You don't get withdrawal symptoms from this, so don't listen to the first guy. He doesn't know what he's talking about. You can stop anytime you want to. Sounds like you need to! Or you could talk to your doctor and switch medications.

  2. You really should consult the doctor who prescribed it (I'm assuming it was prescribed).  Either way, you should discuss it with a professional and tell them of your concerns.  I recommend you continue taking it until you get a professional opinion.  

  3. Absolutely! If you are miserable, stop your birth control pill. You will end up getting your period earlier than expected (probably about 3 days after the last pill you take). This is normal.

    Do talk to your health care provider about your reaction to this pill and see what else you to can come up with for birth control. And, as I'm sure you know, you need to use something else (condoms would probably be easiest and most accessible) until you start something else.

    I hope you feel back to normal very soon!

  4. Definitely not. Your doctor can wean you off of it if you ask. Do not stop it suddenly. You can get withdrawals, which can be worse than the mood swings.  

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