
Is this safe for rats?

by  |  earlier

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ive noticed in a pet shop that they sell what looks like dried grass and a few other things mixed together, but on the packet, it says its only for rabbits and guinea pigs. but my rats eat cat grass.




  1. sure just buy it, if it says guina pigs n stuff, it mostly means rodents, but incase youre still not sure just ask the pet shop keeper

  2. Are those those packets of 'bunny herbs' from wilkinsons etc? dried dandelion and green oats? If so these can be great spread in their litter to add variety to their foraging and bedding. dandelion is very good for rats too :) you could pick fresh from the garden but make sure it's not near traffic, dog/cat waste or weed killer. Give it a good wash first.

    But if you do want to try the bunny herbs make sure you freeze them first...Mine got a flare up of mites through me not freezing them first.

    Cat grass is great fun for ratties. Do you put the whole tub in? If's too funny, but very messy :)

    Anything which is hay/dried grass / alfalfa etc tends to be too dusty for rats as bedding or too spiky for their eyes. Also as a previous poster said they cannot digest the alfalfa.

  3. yes its fine

  4. Yes, all that is is different forms of hay, like alfalfa and such. And rats love that! anything like that or cat grass is good for them, just as long as it is fed to them as a treat and not as a main part of their diet

  5. Actually, rats cannot digest alfalfa. It is used in a lot of products to add bulk, and keep cost down. You should check the ingredients before giving it to your furkids.

  6. yup yup yuppers

  7. The one person is right about them not being able to digest it, but a little now and then doesn't seem to do mine any harm. Feed yours just a bit and see how they react to it. Most rats when eating anything that doesn't agree with their stomachs show it in the first 24hrs whether it be more frequent trips to the water bottles or constant/overly smelly poo.

  8. Im really sorry i dont know........srry

    my question??

  9. yeah it's fine, i use to use that stuff all the rats lived for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages so im sure ya safe lol

  10. yep
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