
Is this section 8 abuse?

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An acquantance of mine who I have know for 4 years in April 2008 moved into a onebedroom apartment in upscale Sherman Oaks with our taxpayer money. The onebedroom rents out for $1450 per month while she only pays $200 per month and the government pays the rest. This girl is 22 years old. She is lazy and doesn't want to work. She is on welfare.

Her guardian who raised her and her sistors had section 8 for years and when her gaurdian died 2 years ago this girl got the program transfered under her name.

Before April 2008 this girl was living in a townhome in a gang infested area that rented out for $800 for a 3 bedroom town home but she only payed $200 per month while uncle sam payed the rest.

I'm a struggling 27 year old male who is still living with his parents becasue he can't afford a roomate or an apartment working low paying jobs.

My parents are not too happy that I'm still living at home. I can't get section 8 because I'm don't qualify. I'm very upset about this. Working people can't afford a lousy room for rent for $750 per month and some lazy girl gets a place for free that she doesn't deserve. This girl invites guys over to her apartment to do prostitution. Since when is our government stupid enought to put prostitutes up for free at the Ritz Carlton.

Me and my other hard working friends have reported her numerous times for welfare abuse but the government does nothing.




  1. HUD does not transfer.   Since she had a guardian, as you state at 20 years old it sounds like she is disabled.   Probably mentally disabled if she is a w***e.   If she did not have a disability she would be emancipated at 18 and not require a guardian.

    The landlord can accept her or not, the state does not care.   Her rent will be 200 a month as long as her income remains at 600 a month, which I am guessing is ALSO government money, her SSI payment.

    Basically this is not section 8 abuse.    She is a disabled American and she deserves decent housing.

    You are not disabled, but are choosing to work low paying jobs.   This is YOUR choice.   If you have a problem living on the wages you are earning simply make a differant choice and get a regular job.

  2. Since she only pays $200 the majority of the money is coming from HUD so the landlord is guaranteed a check.  He probably didn't even check her credit.  I didn't know HUD would transfer from one person to another like that.  Is she taking care of her sisters?  Unfortunately there are a lot of people who could work but won't.  That's why our welfare system needs overhauled.  If you and others have reported her and the government hasn't done anything then there's really not much you can do.  You need to try to let it go because it's eating at you and probably raising your blood pressure in the process.  I understand your frustration but it's not worth ruining your health to stay so upset over this.  As far as the prostitution goes, you could try telling the police and her landlord to see if anything gets done that way.


    it is up to the state who qualifies. I'm sorry you do not qualify - but DEAL WITH IT!!

    if she qualified with the state its not abuse.  Its only abuse if she gave them wrong information to qualify and It is between her and the state.  You have no right to care.

  4. It's unfair.  But don't focus on what she's doing wrong, focus on getting your own life in order.  Try to let this go.

    Personally, I've never been any good at letting things you might also want to file a complaint with HUD:

  5. If she is indeed getting paid for s*x in that home, then yes that is an illegal activity and thus violates the HUD contract and she can get it revoked for life.  If she is inviting guys over for s*x and not getting paid money for it, then it is not in violation, she is just a s***k

  6. It sounds unfair to you. But can you see a future of this girl? I bet she'll be worse in five to ten years.  She'll be stuck in that apartment for long long time. Think about this: you keep working hard and go to school. Move up in the society. Earn good money and one day you may buy the apartment that she's living now and then she has to call you landlord, landlord. Ha..ha... by then, if she ever does prostitution or take drug, evict her and she'll be crying. That's your revenge and it's POSSIBLE. "Set a goal in your life." :)

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