
Is this section 8 fraud???

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is this section 8 fraud- i know someone that has a 3 bedroom apt underher name with section-8 that her son and wife and kids live in, she leaves in a 5 bedroom house that is under her husbands name but does not affect her b/c they are "separated" or so she says, should i report this. i am afraid of what will happen to her son and family




  1. Yes, this is indeed fraud.  One of the requirements to receive Section 8 is that the subsidized apartment must be the household's only residence, and the tenant-of-record must be physically residing in the subsidized apartment.

    Of course you should report this, for the following reasons:

    1.  All of us (including yourself) are harmed by this behavior as this involves taxpayer dollars.  Owners and tenants are entrusted to be good stewards of taxpayer funds.

    2.  The funds need to go to those that need it and have followed the rules.  Funds are limited and the funds being used to benefit this individual could be going to someone that needs it.

    3.  The son, wife and kids skipped dozens if not hundreds of people that have been waiting patiently on the waiting list for a 3 BR apartment and going about it the right way.

    4.  Your reporting it to management and management taking action will let others in the community know that it takes Section 8 requirements seriously and will enforce them.  Hopefully, this will prevent others from comitting the same type of fraud.

    This type of thing is greatly disturbing and must stop.  If I was management, I would terminate the subsidy, take legal action to evict and refer them to the U.S. Inspector General's office.

    Besides, it sounds like the woman's 5 bedroom house can easily accommodate her son and his wife and kids.  They should consider moving in with her.

    I hope this helps.

  2. please do not be a snitch,,,,,whatever is going on is not affecting you in any way,and you coujd be hurting the innocents

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